
Absolutely agree that the city itself is nice. Too bad it's literally in the middle of absolutely nowhere.

Camouflage-colored escape devices: for when you need to get to safety with just that extra degree of difficulty.

Upon further review, it was still unnecessary.

Trial by combat!

"After 60 years of supporting the blacks..."

Criminals who shoot people are still criminals.

Two facts are pertinent:

Curriculum definition does though.

Vikings were the first people to take land from Redskins anyways. When will the oppression end??

I hate being a Redskins fan.

Half expect to see horseposts and spittoons when I look closely at the details.

Not only are the LEDs spaced millimeters apart, but each pixel (likely) is made up of three of these LEDs together. Kind of crazy how much "empty" space there is despite the high-definition-from-afar appearance.

Nitpicking, but Beverly Hills Cop came out in 1984. So this picture is probably even more recent than captioned.

400 hundreds? That's like... a whole lot!

Ugh. Swarm is a mess.

Took two tries, but cool effect. How do I make it last longer though!?

Long time ago.

The $30 darts also features fins that work like helicopter blades, slowing down their spinning descent...

Seems like the only restriction here is to not litter the street with pee on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights.

Admittedly, it's been a while since I've seen it. If it weren't for the fourth wall breaking (and recognizing Michael Pitt on Boardwalk Empire), I don't think I would have even remembered watching the movie.