Also possible, but might be a stretch since "sportwagen" is one word:
Also possible, but might be a stretch since "sportwagen" is one word:
Based off my Googling, I'm fairly certain JSW = Japanese Steel Worker. Usually, the cargo block-equipped JSWs are extra.
*Not a Joke*
I don't know, I thought Jackie Chan did most of the kicking in the movie.
I have email addresses from multiple services, but they all forward to Gmail for one reason: spam. Gmail's spam filters are far and away the best.
When we do see it, it'll be the last time. Because hockey players are tough and stuff, you know?
If we're both going to face things, you take the first and I'll take the second.
Great ideas. Just one small addition needed: YMMV.
Linda is Bill's Yoko.
Can Shoeless Joe get a vote now?
It's foolproof!
Ctrl+Z & Alt+Tab get the most use.
Schiano's a fly in the ointment. "Hate" is too strong a word for a terrible coach.
Their mascot is more popular than any player on the team.
Thought his chinbeard was 5 times as long as it is at first, too.
Gone too deep?
Because Pennsylvania Dutchpeople must have their own words and pronunciations for all everyday items, my wife will never say "remote" — always, it's "the channel changer". TOO MANY SYLLABLES!