
God Rich was SO SALTY at Horowitz for no fucking reason, I don’t understand it at all. I totally agree with you. In the chaos of a very confusing and emotional moment, he took charge and made sure the right team got onstage to receive their much-deserved moment in the spotlight.

Jordan Horowitz is the real winner of last night’s Oscars.

I can’t believe Emma won and not Isabelle. Emma’s fine and I like her but the movie and her performance were just so...mediocre.

She’s just trying to cover up the fact that her win was a mix-up too.

I felt badly for Warren Beatty especially in that moment.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

For the utter shit show this was, I thought the La La Land producers handled things very well. Let’s not SHIT on them for a mistake that wasn’t their fault, okay?

You can still direct your Hiddleston love toward me down in the comments sections. I’m still all about that boy. And his poetry. And his Jaguar commercials. And his cheekbones.

Marisa Tomei probably feels vindicated right now. This proves that if the wrong name is announced by mistake, they will correct it swiftly and everyone will look embarrassed.

I’m sure Beatty is thrilled that they fucked up and made him appear even more senile.

Lol at all the shuffling and scrambling behind the La La Land people as that one guy was making his speech. I can’t believe they screwed this up. Nice of Warren Beatty to explain what happened. I’m sure Marisa Tomei is somewhere like, “See. I really did win!”

You know, I’m not even in show business and even I would have just said, “wait a minute, this is the envelope for best actress. Okay, we get it Emma, you’re great. Can we get the correct envelope up here?” You’d think these people had never been in front of an audience before.

are you talking about the wrong envelope debacle?

What in the actual fuck just happened?!

Yep, there’s no shame in it. I read no less than three internet explainers trying to wrap my head around this one, one of which was from USA Today. Team Get Off My Lawn represent!

Thank you! Finally someone answers the question without an attitude. I think I might have heard that song once before probably in the context of a middle school dance lol I was confused becasue it seemed like she was a huge deal and I had never heard her name before yesterday.

Oh, Nicki. Beyoncé can’t save you hun. You need to just issue an apology to Remy and keep it moving. No way Nicki has the lyrical skills to come back at that diss track. She needs to lay low until the sting wears off.

Barack Obama’s LinkedIn page still says he’s POTUS.

+1 stars for Missy Elliot.

Meryl is taking no prisoners: