
Wake up call, Donnie.

Now playing

I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist the opportunity.

It may not be a fiery, impassioned courtroom scene from A Few Good Men or something. But, he is actually getting called out for his nonsense. It’s just the delivery of it all is what’s boring.

I was about to add “and he’s fine” to the conversation. So, thanks for covering that base for me.

No I don’t have a Twitter. So, I unfortunately can’t directly give this twit a piece of my mind. I was just browsing her account. But, enough people were letting her have it and basically saying what I said.

Eight tweets about this, honey? Really? Eight? Over the span of an hour? This “liberal snowflake” made you that mad, Tomi? 

Trump’s rebuttal...

Wow, this is fascinating and sounds pretty legit. People make fun of him on Twitter for the fact that he takes up to 20 minutes to post the continuation of a second tweet or that it took him 40 minutes to post a 3-part tweet. Maybe that’s a sign of it. And his words are so nonsensical and dense, at this point, that

Ah, okay. Yeah, the name did ring a bell. And I’m sure she is. I can’t take anyone seriously who makes a statement like that.

It could be the classic “shut up and be an entertainer” argument. As if actors are just so out of touch with the common man and are too entitled to have political opinions. It’s an unfair argument, especially considering the fact that this country just elected a complete 1 percenter who couldn’t be more out of touch

Obviously. I don’t even know who this Meghan person is, actually. Her tweet just popped up on an article about Meryl’s speech. But, a glance at her account shows that she’s some conservative talking head. So, yeah, bye girl.

Oh, hey. Fuck you, Meghan McCain.

Eleven is not here for his shit, either. She’s like, “I wish I was actually telekinetic in real life so I could knock him offstage right now.”

A girl after my own heart! I’m stuffing my face as I type. And excellent choices.

Oh my God. High school! That song reminds me of Senior year. I officially graduated 10 years ago this year. I can’t even handle that fact.

Just so you know, Ariel’s feelings are really hurt. But, then again, she is a massive hoarder so she has problems handling her emotions effectively.

Your dog is too adorable! But, my first thought when I hear the name Amy is Gone Girl. So, I am convinced she is plotting something behind that cute face.

She’s an arrogant, self-agrandizing mess who is now pushing strippers because no one offered her a gig pushing quick loans.

Hmmm, really? I actually wouldn’t put it past her. Do you have some receipts?

That was the exact point I made elsewhere. Also, bear in mind that, at a gay strip club, none of the guys will have a problem receiving male attention or performing for them, even if they are straight (which, actually, plenty of them are). At a male strip club for women? Yeah, if the stripper is progressive and/or not