
So that makes it right?

I like the cut of your gibe!

Thank you for cutting through the nonsense and spelling it out clearly. Why people think corporations should be valued more than a human being is beyond me.

As a longtime fan of Nintendo, I’m less likely to buy their products because of this incident. There are other options out there.

Because corporations are our lords and masters and we are their slaves?

And I bet you think Snowden is a traitor too.

And again I say, that kids, is why we need unions. If he was unionized he wouldn’t have been let go for a mistake. Humans need to be protected from the cold-logic of corporations.

I think the OP did just that. Colamaster was just pointing that out.

Not really. He’s pointing out the OP’s support of a corporate entity over a human being with a family.

Aaaaannnnd this is why we need unions.

Well said.

Why turn that into a crisis or apocalypse?

Interesting comparison. So how does it stack up to Four Weddings and a Funeral?

Amazing visuals and an interesting take. I don’t know if I buy the deviation from the source material vis å vis Batman saying Superman needs to be destroyed, or Superman thinking Batman is a vigilante that needs to be stopped with deadly heat vision.

I agree. That new Star Fox looks awesome. And Mario Maker looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun.

Having read all the books and watched the show, I have to admit the show is better. It isn't often that a movie or TV show surpasses it's source material. This is one of those times.

I'm trying to write a humorous novel. Can anyone suggest additional articles or books on the topic of humor? My search through the jungles of Amazon left me feeling depressed.

While not as good as "Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie" it was still quite enjoyable.

Excellent article!

What about the folks at Charlie Hebdo? Should they have stopped lampooning religion and politics because it made some people uncomfortable? They knew they're lives were in danger and did it anyway. Because they believed that they had a right to express their views. Even if it made people in a community other that