
This article is kind of a mess. The black dress wearing is a symbolic display of solidarity, nothing more; there’s all sorts of easily Googleable coalition building going on behind the scenes by women throughout the entertainment industry. You may or may not find it adequate, but at least do the research. Not to

Agreed. For some reason we seem to hate winners. It starts with teasing the kids that get the A in first grade. (Then you end up working for them.)

“(And yes, this would be rape, but I have zero trouble believing that CSM would engage in rape).”

First, so much love for your user name. So. Much. Love.

Well said. I’ve been a Whovian since Tennant and although he was my First Doctor, Twelve was My Doctor. For many of the reasons people don’t seem to like Capaldi’s Doctor, are the reasons I don’t like Smith’s Eleven. I love the Twelfth Doctor’s TARDIS, his modern Victorian style and his “Old Man Alien From Another

Doctor Who as a whole really could’ve benefited from one less season with Clara and one more season with Bill.

I’d love another season with Bill as well, because I think she’s a terrific character and really well-played, but I think that even if Mackie had wanted to carry on, it’s in the best interests of the show to not have her as the companion to the first female Doctor. I’m far less bothered by the

gotta represent, you know?

That was my mistake and a misinterpretation of the original AP article. I’ve made the correction and apologize for the error.

actually, glassblowing was one of the first commercial ventures at the Jamestown settlement in 1608. also, we don’t do glassblowing at Sturbridge Village. —a Sturbridge Village employee

They are probably classified under a ‘living historical interpretation’ or ‘costumed interpreters’ which doesn’t mean actor, but can and at some sites frequently does include actors. At some sites only actors are ‘costumed interpreters’. But then at others, it’s only the historical staff, who would laugh to be

Just gonna throw this out there cause I’ve visited Plimoth Plantation and this point was stressed. The people who work in the recreated Wampanoag site are not actors. They are Native people who demonstrate aspects of period Wampanoag culture and discuss history and tradition with visitors. Whereas the English Village

—First of all, you don’t have to be a victim yourself to observe how terribly victims are treated when they go publicly.—

Absolutely. It sounds as if they both shared the burden, as it were, and they are lucky to have each other. Very clear from Rosie Perez’s story that it was a constant presence with them over time, and that it changed them both.

IKR?? Stupid fuckin’ Stephen Collins. . .I still remember the episode where she flew a plane w/o instruments by making a line on a vodka bottle with lipstick, tying it to the dash and trying to keep the liquid level.

Maybe they can redo it, woman producers only. 🙂✨

i recently saw a pic of marlo “free to be me” thomas and she sports the duck lips that indicate collagen shots. so even she of the first wave feminists has shown that she has internalized the harmful messages regarding what makes a woman “attractive.”

That’s my favorite part of this whole Celtics rebuild. You can’t make anyone happy.

Who better than Hayward was available? I appreciate teams like Celtics and Rockets that try shit to compete every year rather than straight-up tank.

You don’t need to post this 10 times.