
I’m sorry, but that’s hooey. My chances of being beaten, raped and murdered sitting here sober on my couch aren’t quite zero, but they’re a lot closer to it than if I went and took my clothes off with a guy I don’t know. You may be right that prostitutes are safer than single women going home with random guys, but I’d

Not that there is anything wrong with this analysis, but the fact the a 6-paragraph article about the “comedy” categories argues that the winner isn’t dark enough without even mentioning whether any of the shows are funny kind of exemplifies why these award shows are obsolete, IMO.

Ummmmm...I don’t really know what to make of this particular instance, but I think enthusiastic consent means the opposite of what you are saying.

They don’t have to guess. They can ask. Why is it women’s responsibility to tell men but not men’s responsibility to ask? Isn’t it any person’s responsibility to keep from sexually assaulting other people?

Same thing that happens at businesses with this rule in place—you give the school your work cell phone number.

 I think they both look great. They don’t need to have the same style at all.  I do think Meghan is getting “allowed” to be herself quite a bit more than Kate ever was, though.

I didn’t even read it. Clearly there are bigger problems here than just no taste in clothes

Are you trying to tell me that you think her male co-host, who made TWICE what she did, while having less on-air time, generated more revenue?

That’s not how math works, man. The percentage is accurate, but that’s not the rate. Rate would be calculated by comparing the percentage of people killed to people in the country.

I use conditioner to shave, so...no.

It’s so weird that comments on here tend to he anti-Trump since apparently 87% of commenters are coal miners.