“That was not my experience at all, as a TA who did take cheating very seriously.”
“That was not my experience at all, as a TA who did take cheating very seriously.”
What do you mean endgame? It’s a status symbol, that’s all it is to them.
I mean, Monica Lewinsky was definitely complicit in having an affair with a married powerful man, right?
I mean it’s her life. She can do what she wants with it, and certainly she has the funds to support her lifestyle.
I enjoy how one of the articles promoted in the banner is about Monica Lewinsky on Last Week Tonight, talking about how painful the media pile-on was when she was a young woman. And then it seems like every other subsequent article is a pile-on of Olivia Jade, Paris Jackson, ect. Good stuff, great self-awareness…
Exactly. What did she think that was about?
I mean she said USC was so-so academically. Which maybe was true 20 years ago, is not true now.
I mean, according to Abigail Fisher, a degree from UT is *mwah* top notch.
All I’m saying is, Jared Kushner went to Harvard, so not EVERYONE at Ivy admissions offices has integrity, nor would I presume USC would either. But you’re right, maybe there’s an East Coast vs West Coast way of getting your rich kid into a school they don’t deserve to be in.
I mean, couldn’t they take what they paid this dude and give it to one of the schools as a “donation” for a lab or scholarship or something? Isn’t that the old school way of bribing your way in? Maybe not HARVARD, but surely it would’ve worked at like, Brown or Cornell? Why even go through this middle man?
I jokingly also wonder why bribe your way into USC, if you’re dropping a half million to bribe your kids way in, why not shoot for an Ivy or at least Stanford?
Agreed. Now don’t get me wrong, USC is a really great school. But if you were going to spend a half million on a bribe to get into college, why not shot for an Ivy, or at least Stanford? Or does it take more than that now? I don’t really know...
I would imagine the most pro-breastfeeding, formula is slop, people would assume you should force your body to lactate. Or hire a wet nurse. Or get donated milk from a milk bank. Or some combination of the three.
I’ve never been a mother or a daycare provider, but somehow I feel like this wouldn’t cut it.
I mean, the problem is mostly me, but my gut reaction was to roll my eyes. Although again, I can be a cynical asshole.
Am I a bad person that I did not actually find that Salma Hayek story touching? That I didn’t find her motives to be that pure; rather I found it to be show-offish?
My husband were recently in some hoity-toity advant garde fashion boutique, in which these shoes were sold in a abundance.
Agreed. He doesn’t look great, or even good, but it does cover his face more, which is an improvement.
Honestly - he looks better with a beard. Operative word being “better”. He’s still Ted Cruz with Ted Cruz’s face, but the beard does a bit to hide said face.