How did locker room interviews become a thing at all?
How did locker room interviews become a thing at all?
I’m sorry, you show pictures of them, but where are the snickers, the baby ruths, the oh henrys, the reeses pb cups, the mars bars, the milky way, the twixs, the nestle crunches? Because, everything on your list is I don’t even mess with, it goes straight in the garbage.
I dunno - I find this to be rather sanctimonious and obnoxious.
If there was one award MMM won last night that was unarguably justified, it’s Rachel Bronson’s Emmy. Midge should be the hugest, most obnoxious pain in the ass, but she made her totally lovable, interesting, and yeah, she showed a lot of depth.
Seriously. I don’t think this show deserved all the awards, and I understand its not to everyone’s taste, and we can certainly have a conversation about how the work of POC has long since been overlooked and marginalized, but this was objectively speaking, a well done comedy.
I loved loved loved Insecure the first two seasons. There were many elements about being a young professional woman in my 30s that really resonated with me, and then elements that I couldn’t personally identify with (the experience of being an African-American woman in today’s world), but that the show made feel…
But, she isn’t saying otherwise. She is in no way denying or minimizing any of the victims’ allegations.
I think there’s quite a bit of difference in saying you won’t believe or take it seriously if someone claims they were sexually assaulted unless you have evidence vs saying you should take someone at their word and not speculate otherwise if you don’t have evidence to back up the contray.
Okay sure, but this is still speculative on your behalf. At the end of the day, you don’t know what she knew, even if you feel certain otherwise.
I mean, I think you have a point that in the aggregate, its clear a lot of people probably knew about Spacey’s (or any of these men’s abuse) and failed to do anything or even actively participated in covering it up and excusing it. And that’s absolutely worth criticizing and trying to shame people out of it.
I don’t know. I don’t see anything here to get mad about. Yeah, he invokes God and Jesus here more than I would (which is to say, not at all). But personally I don’t find the mention of God and Jesus offensive if they aren’t being wielded to justify bigoted, discriminatory thoughts and behaviors.
OR, she could be comparing herself now to herself when she was a young model. Now that I’ve had a life and a career and am wiser than when I was just starting out, I realize I wouldn’t want to do what is required of young girls today.
I mean, I took the older and wiser to mean - Speaking as a 40-something woman I know myself better than I did as a 20-something (or a teenager? Whenever she got started) new model, and speaking from my current level of maturity, I know I couldn’t/wouldn’t do what it takes to get a modelling career launched in 2018.
I don’t get the outrage about Gisele’s comments. I’m not usually a huge fan of Giselle, I think she often puts her foot in her mouth, but I don’t think this is one of those instances.
I haven’t seen this movie, I haven’t seen the George Clooney reboots, I haven’t seen the Sinatra originals. But I don’t think any of them are supposed to known for their realism or I’m not sure I get the critique here.
He has definitely had a more successful career than she has.
Nah - I don’t think that’s what she was saying. With context, it became clear she was saying that there were elements of her personality and elements of his personality that clicked, and so that makes the relationship between their characters seem really genuine.
Agreed. Spoilers don’t really ruin stories for me. I understand not everyone feels that way, but meh, understanding how its going to end, for me, does not ruin the experience of watching it unfold.
I think its appropriate to picture and mention him because he was instrumental in making sure the book got finished and published after she passed away. If not for him, her work on the subject never would’ve seen the light of day.
Interesting...I had the opposite reaction. I think it makes her seem totally shapeless, and I find that particular shade of red garish on someone with her complexion.