
That fur hat was a bit much for my taste, but that coat kills it.

Aren’t you supposed to wear a hat in an Anglican church if you are a women?

I looked at that Christmas card and thought, wait, which one of those is Kylie? How many of them are there supposed to be? Then I got bored and stopped caring.

I doubt in this instance, or most instances where a women or person of color is paid less than their white, male counterpart, someone sat around and thought “Hmm, this person is a lady. I can pay them less because of that.”

I mean...obvisouly they think she is less valuable and that letting her go won’t impact the shows bottom-line, otherwise they would’ve ponied up the cash to make sure she stayed.

Sure she could.

I think he wanted to win. He clearly didn’t want the job though.

She was never that successful of a model.

I dunno - us white folks seem to have no trouble appropriating others’ culture and traditions.

I mean - this is a thread where people are having hyperbolic arguments arguing about dessert and in which you had referred to cool-whip as white trash, it was supposed to be all in good fun. Sorry if the tone missed.

Don’t worry - we’re on the same page here ;)

ALL pies are gross?

What the hell are you talking about? Spray bottle of the “real thing”? My dear, that is not real whip cream. Whip cream comes as a dairy liquid in a milk carton, you have to whip it yourself and add sugar and vanilla to taste.

Agree 1000%

Peach pie is wonderful, BUT that is a summer pie. I don’t want peach pie at thanksgiving, when they have long been out of season.

Stop it. You are wrong.

No it’s the taste - the texture is actually quite comparable.

Have you ever had a cat? They puke on the reg.

Seems like there should be a third option:

Right - there is a health and safety risk *for the person going barefoot*. I do not walk around barefoot in public for that reason personally, would not recommend it for others.