Oh, writing on the internet serves a purpose. It distracts me from work/my life.
Oh, writing on the internet serves a purpose. It distracts me from work/my life.
I would shoot myself in the face if I had to take off and put back on my duvet cover once a week.
I guess this is Trump’s America now, so sure.
4 songs?! So much water!
Meh...I don’t have kids but those little suckers put all kinds of weird dirty crap in their mouth all the time, right?
Well true...but by the same token some people on the pro-leg washing side have called us called filthy disgusting hippies, so you know. Either take it as people just dicking around in the spirit of good fun and ignoring work on a Friday or take them seriously and get hurt. Your reaction is up to you.
Would it gross you out if I told you I also I sit right down on public toilets without the little liner thing? Or that I don’t wash my hands after riding the bus? Or that I also pee in the shower?
Alright alright, I can’t speak for lorem ipsum, but I’ve just been here all in good fun. Nobody (well most of us) are just in here joshing around, I think most of us are not being judgmental with any real sincerity.
Disagree there is a purpose. My legs are cleaned by hot soapy water running down them. I mean, if I’m rolling around in the mud and get dirt every where, then there’s a purpose to scrub.
Counterpoint - if something has no purpose, why should I do it, even if it’s easy?
Here’s the deal - I don’t wash/lather/scrub/exfoliate/whatever my legs. They get the soapy water drip-down treatment.
Eh, I mean, what I do is use conditioner (works just as good as shaving gel and I am not going to be conned into buying a separate product “because”), and I don’t shave every time. Maybe every couple of times, and I don’t shower everyday, so I guess I shave ballpark once a week.
You keep saying “clean” like there’s an objective, communally agreed upon standard that many of us willfully refuse to meet. I don’t know what your version of clean looks like. I know mine, and I meet it.
Look man, I don’t care what you do. Live in the shower full time for all I care. Use the stiffest most abrasive loofah you can find. You do you.
Do you work for big Dove or something? You’re telling me that willing use a product that will dry me out and then use another product to replace the lost moisture? How about just showering less overall?
My sensitive skin is crying just thinking about doing this each and every time.
Agree to disagree on the necessity of some sort of rubbing/scrubbing action.
I would argue have cleaned my legs. Legs do not require vigorous scrubbing, having 5-10 of hot soapy water running over them is sufficient.
This topic reminds me of the debate about whether or not it’s okay to flush tampons down the toilet. No matter HOW many times it gets talked about, no matter HOW many time you hear from plumbing/sewer experts about how it’s a terrible idea, some women continue to insist on flushing their tampons down the toilet.
First of all, millions of strands of long hair on my head =/= a relatively contiguous and hairless (for me at least) part of my body.