
Seems kinda Shady to me.

Wow. I can see why the NFL would ask given how cash-strapped they are. I hear they'll be asking parishioners to pass around NFL-branded collection plates in major markets as well. Alms for the poor?

This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man.

How did he ever make it out of kindgergarten? I'd hate to date his sister! Maybe they're a family of biters :-/

I wish I knew what a cool guy Tony was before. #RIP to an amazing class act of a man.

the only sure way to handle this is to get one of each.

Like the last time they played in World Cup? LOL

Indeed. I love hearing how great England is. Nothing is more automatic than 1) death, 2) taxes, and 3) a British World Cup choke job.

How many times will you post the same thing? And no, Costa Rica already finished behind the US in CONCACAF so they won't be beating us by 2 or more goals anytime soon. Now I look forward to seeing you post the same thing again a dezen times before the day ends. Get to work.

Maybe I'm just naive but what's the problem? Dude's getting some action....good for him. Is getting laid an NCAA infraction now?

I would have thought that would be legal in Kentucky. Oh wait, this is in FLA.

seriously! WTF! Of all the great artists from CA, we get who?

High School coaches nationwide are salivating at the chance to coach this team. It would be a seamless transition.

Actually, they will still have one of the best owners in the NFL so they'd still be good. If he said when Kraft, The Hoodie, and Brady leave, y'all gonna suck, then I couldn't agree more.


hahahahaha..nice one and right on.

Can't wait to hear him explain this one! That sinking sound isn't the Titanic, it's Manti's draft stock!
