
Yeah, cuz that'll work.

I was trying to a lighthearted comment in keeping with the spirit of the video, but your response makes me think that wasn't conveyed properly.

(But seriously, I think for many recruits, it is the toys. Jokes on them, because they find out real quick the Marines are using the oldest, most beat down, pieced-together

Why would it make apple fans feel better? The iPhone 6 using both cores is about as fast as the GS5 using 4... Wait a minute that means a single core can be faster than multiple cores... Oh man.

Rampant technology for technology's sake.

Android should be thankful as NFC will finally take off.

Thank you captain obvious, can't wait for your report on whether or not square peaches would be more efficient.

yes macbook official here considering your suggestion for attract people to more purchasing it

Is this rampant technology for technology's sake?

Yeah. Because you're clearly the intellectual superior by calling them names. How about just seeing these guys for what you clearly aren't: Enjoying life, and brave in the face of something where most people would have fear.

They didn't say it's officially from the show. It's a Walking Dead merchandise