
Old habits die hard

The fact that he thinks someone from the Gates family will be impressed by a helicopter arrival makes this even more ridiculous. Bill Gates can buy Trumps entire empire just for shit’s and giggles, I highly doubt his daughter will be impressed by a helicopter. Trump is on another level of Narcissism.

Why wouldn’t they just order online from their local grocery store, AmazonFresh, or Instacart?

Only Comment necessary: I LOVE OLD PEOPLE!

I usually agree, but some of these are TERRIBLE acts. Read about Jack Harold Jones. As a father, I read about these heinous acts and don’t think this person deserves life.

While this reaction was completely out of line, especially since the lady was offering to show the owner her bag, I know this area very well. It is a sketchy area, where if the store owner just lets one person shoplift slide, the entire neighborhood will be getting the five finger discount on beauty supplies in no