
I’m about to go hit up Siri with that...

I love the “It’s how I was raised excuse.”

I read “alcoholocaust” and accidentally giggled out loud. I’m really sorry. Because this is horrible and tasteless and truly upsetting but something about that name triggered a response that I....am embarrassed about. It’s just...a pretty good name. Sorry guys.

I find this the most sexist argument that women who keep their names get thrown at them. I acquired my last name the exact same way my Dad and brother did. Why is it “his” name or my brother’s name more than it is mine?

First of all, white people, come get ya girl. Rap didn’t ask for this bullshit.

JUST GONNA SIT OVER HERE CRYING GUYS. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve owned both cats and dogs and losing them opens up a hole in your heart that can shock you, especially if you aren’t prepared for the pain. You did a great thing by providing him with a home while he was here. You’re good people.

If it's real, legitimate impotence the male body has a way of preventing it on its own. Anything else and they must have allowed it or enjoyed it, so no need to provide medication.

I’m gonna terrify you even more by telling you that: you have no clue what your kids are doing online. No clue.

Wow, 24x7 surveillance of your child. That’s not going to end well for either you or her. What about when they play outside unsupervised, go downtown to the movies with their friends, all the things kids do without us parents around to watch.

You’re thinking about this from YOUR point of view right now when you should be thinking about it from someone else’ point of view.

Dude just stop. Only a whiny little boy can’t face the cold hard truth of our gender- we have a large, long, and statistically verified history of violence against women we’re attracted to. Women don’t. It’s us. Our problem. Sitting here thinking the stupid things you do is cowardly. A grown adult acknowledges the

This is perhaps not the best place or time for it, but can I say how much I dislike the idea of “preferred” names or pronouns? My name is my name. My pronouns are my pronouns. I demand them, I don't prefer them, and if you use the wrong ones, we will have a problem.

Fun fact: Abortion is 100% illegal in El Salvador. Not even for the health of the mother or the baby or in the case of rape and incest.

“All lives matter” is the smarmiest, most disingenuous erasure of a movement that malicious and clueless white people could have come up with. To apply this to Dr. King, his work, or his life is almost violent in its untruth. Fuck this parade of assholes in the ear.

he’s saying that they are starting with cars but might move away from it... do you understand a metaphor?

yes... but you missed the part that it isn’t doing what it started as. Building coaches

Art informs science, just as science informs art. It is formalized thinking, from Tesla being inspired to conceptualize ACDC transistor from a passage of Johan Von Goethe, to Puthagoras hypothesizing on the meaning and beauty of Number as seen in nature, requiring artists to learn a differential equation is beside the

That’s some dark stuff there, Juben. I’m not sure if I can think of anywhere art “doesn’t belong.”

You know what else is important? Understanding language, rhetoric, reasoning, argument, logic, etc.

I am so sick of this bullshit prioritizing science and math over the humanities. People who can’t evaluate argument, recognize propaganda or understand history and sociology are much easier to manipulate, even if they

Teacher here...many schools have changed STEM to STEAM to include art because the arts are important to cognitive development and learning just as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are.