
Show up on opening night wearing a name-naming sandwich board detailing your assault.

I know this is unrelated, but I need to get it out and have no where else to go to vent.

I honestly wasn’t expecting my story to be featured or the response I’ve gotten because of it. Pokemon, and video games in general, have become my main way for opening up conversations with people. I’m autistic and don’t have a lot of social skills, so Pokemon really opened that door for me. Never having gotten this

This is ad layout, not “photoshop(ping) images”. He even mentions that if the model / photo had blemishes that needed to be fixed, he would have called the photographer to have them airbrush it (not the graphic designer). Isn’t this more of a comparison to something like InDesign?

Where else are they supposed to put their donuts?

I got like 2$ from the tooth fairy. You got 20$??????

While an improvement over a juvenile detention centre, I don't like that these children are being forced to attend camp. The lack of respect that this judge is showing for the personal autonomy of these children is shocking. Another story I read about this included a quote from the judge heaping praise on the father

Most musicians don’t make a lot of money. This is pretty common.

Maybe don’t mock someone’s intelligence with a currency conversion error. People might come away thinking you’re an idiot.

Those were actually the first words out of my mouth after I heard they were making an entire movie based on those annoying little yellow shits.

“English slurs for sex acts...”

“You hang up." "No, you hang up first." "No, you." OK on the count of 3...1...2...3..."Did you hang up?"

It’s funny how the conservatives are all about “states’ rights” until they don’t like the law the state made. Then all of a sudden they’re all about the “constitution.”

And the political right creates a false equivalence between literally every law. “Oh, I can’t punch this homeless guy, but he can sit on the sidewalk all he wants?”

I get that there needed to be some kind of punishment, but $135000? That’s just ridiculous and only adds fuel to the bigots who are using them as icons. And who gets all that money?

Human thinks: Lately she’s been hanging around my dog outside.

No no no, you’re missing the point. The point is, apparently, WHAT A SLUT she must be to sleep with two separate people within a week.

because few judges have had to assign child support to two men in a case of a mother with twins