
It isn’t. And it won’t. We’ve been accepting schlubby men in sitcoms and in some instances even holding them up as sex symbols for years. The wife is always hot. She’s expected to be hot.

Man, Pizza Hut just thinks of everything. They even have a helping a hostage convenience fee.

When you can change how dangerous and uncomfortable pregnancy and childbirth can be, then we can begin to have a conversation about this. Until then, you don’t get to make my medical decisions for me.

I mostly agree with you (I was only half paying attention when I watched the video and missed the “don’t let it get ugly” bit, that is a very problematic thing to say), but I’m not actually sure raising awareness is a bad thing. I’m not sure all women are aware. Many women are, but young women who lived fairly

What the fuck goes on at Boy Scout camps

Can we really stop making that joke. People don’t get diabetes by eating sweets. It’s largely a genetic predisposition and has to do with a person’s pancreas. Eating large amounts of sugar without the predisposition will likely not net you diabetes, and you can get it even if you eat healthy if it's in your family.

I got a call once from a customer when I worked at Cox about protection:

“Yeah, uhm...So, I wanted to get onto the internet, but I keep hearing that I need to have protection so that I don’t get viruses from porn.”

“Yes, sir, that’s true! It’s always a good idea to put something on to protect-”

“So, tell me, what sort of

Well, I’m a woman, and I have a penis, soooo....

Actually, you can’t. And your analogies only work if a person with a cock and balls can’t be a woman, but here I am, so the joke’s on you. Twice.

Women can now go to a women’s college! This marks the end of the women’s college!

This is copied & pasted from the “Why is Smith a Women’s College?” portion of the Smith website. I think it speaks very eloquently to the advantages that can come from choosing Smith (or Women’s colleges in general) over a coed institution:

Or maybe that’s alarmist bullshit.

At the bottom of the bag?

I encountered a Victoria’s Secret heist once. I was a manager at the American Eagle down the hall and on my lunch break. Three individuals loaded up on bras and walked out of the store with the alarm going off because they were fresh out of fucks that day. The manager chased after them and the one man in the group

Scary Spice wasn’t there? Then it doesn’t count. The only Spice Girl who is allowed to not show up to a Spice Girls reunion is Ginger, for reasons I still discuss weekly with my therapist.

Came here to say that - I like Jar Jar and I am not ashamed to admit it.

Am I really the only person on Earth that thought Jar Jar was the one thing that made Episode 1 mildly entertaining?

Ebola worker here (currently in Sierra Leone). It’s not at all certain that this was actually sexual transmission - it’s a theory, but not a fact. And just finding RNA in semen does not necessarily mean that it’s able to infect another person - they’ll have to do more research to be certain of that.

Same thing that happens when it rains on a road that goes up a 5.1% or 6.1% grade hill.