
“The movie has ‘ridiculous’ in the title for a reason — because it’s ridiculous. It is a broad satire of Western movies and the stereotypes they popularized, featuring a diverse cast that is not only part of — but in on — the joke.”

I’m thinking it’s likely to make Religious Freedom people stop and remember that other people have other religions, and maybe they don’t actually want everyone to be able to say their religion allows them to circumvent the law. At least, the ones who can think that long about Satanists without devolving into a

I don’t. They have used their religion and closely held beliefs to protest religious displays in government buildings and won, especially in a post-Hobby Lobby world. This is a fantastic strategy.

Exactly - if we’re going to preference religious beliefs to such a high degree over other sorts of beliefs, then the best way to highlight how absurd that is is to adopt the trappings of religion.

Beating them at their own game, I suppose? “If your religious freedom matters, why doesn’t mine?” It could work.

Absolutely not. These laws can’t be assaulted as effectively from a secular standpoint, because reverence for the hopes of religious people amounts to sound legal standing in this country.

Not me. If they are the ones to do it, then fine with me. I’m going to send a little money, and then make a chalk pentagram in my driveway. Then I will hop around it like a devil-worshipping game of hopscotch.

to be quite frank, if I’m going by the actions of their followers, Satan seems like a way cooler guy than Jesus.

We need 4 hippos and about 60 watermelons. Now

...kind of the ocean calling the raindrop wet there, huh buddy?

Like it? I fucking LOVE it.

I fucking LOVE putting together IKEA furniture. It’s super calming actually. I think it’s because I work at a desk job and it’s nice to do something with my hands every once in a while? Glass of wine, good movie on the screen, and IKEA furniture = perfect.

Title: SAVED BY LESBIANS: how surviving IKEA proved we were meant to be

I never thought about IKEA as a major step in a relationship...until I arrived at IKEA and realized the whole place was laid out exactly like the IKEA where my parents (and my partner’s parents) had taken us both shopping children. Both of us were struggling with Oedipal conflicts before we’d even gotten to the

My Lego-enthusiast boyfriend is the same. He insists it’s life-size Lego.

I do too. Lego: Scandinavian, step-by-step directions, lots of little pieces that fit together just right in the end, but you have to pay attention to the instructions. Ikea: ditto.

Yeah its like legos with allen wrenches.

I had a metric shit ton of lego as a kid. Ikea furniture gets me.

I like IKEA. I don’t find it stressful or temper-fraying. I enjoy building the furniture; I have assembled furniture for my friends, even, because it’s fun. Snobs and haters can go suck on a FINANSIELL.