
I thought it was hysterical (intended not intended) but I definitely, immediately thought there was a clear intentional nod to the circumcision debate.

Am I wrong for seeing why that guy thought it could be a circumcision satire? The anti-pro circumcision movements aren’t really aesthetically or tonally different from the I’m a Mommy SO THERE! genre...

I was with some friends in a bar and this douche started hitting on my friend and being a real dick about it. She was trying to be polite about it, but I didn’t feel any such obligation. So I whispered something in her ear about him and she laughed. He saw it and replied, “If you’re mad that I’m talking to your friend

Waiting at the airport for a flight. There’s a line of about 10 people at the counter that were delayed from an earlier flight. Some dude pushes past the line and screams at the desk agent that, “(He) has to be on this flight! And it has to be first class!” Agent tells him that she can help him but he need to wait in

No, it’s Becky.

I just know there’s this shadowy history of ONLY seeing trans women in sexual terms, fetishization, etc. I’m no expert, which is why I wanted to open this thread to the topic.

Not a Cherokee, but wouldn’t legendary Native American two-spirit Lozen serve as a tiny dose of excellent cosmic justice in this regard?

Nothing could be more appropriate than replacing Jackson with a Cherokee woman. Absolutely nothing.

During a recent transaction, an elderly woman handed me a twenty and said, with eyes a’twinklin’ “Did you hear they might put a woman on the 20 dollar bill? I’d love to see that before I go...” And then we both melted into a puddle of feelings.

I take issue with putting Rosa Parks on the shortlist over Sojourner Truth, but whatever. That there’s any real momentum, and that they’re focusing on women of color, is nice to see.

I know it means save the date, but imagining a couple mailing out pictures of diseased genitalia out to loved ones made me giggle.

Ah, I thought you took a picture of one of your guys' STDs, or perhaps photoshopped yourself having terrible STDs? then I realized it meant save-the-date.




You could just not comment. that would be better than contributing to the thinly veiled homophobia ever so present in this comment section and everywhere else on jezebel.

No one says this on threads about straight PDA. Even if they think it, they don’t say it, because they get that PDA is part of being in a relationship. It’s really demoralizing to constantly hear even so-called “allies” say that expressing your love for your partner is “gross.”

I keep seeing these signs around town for “March Against Monsanto”. With a picture of Arctic Apples ( a locally developed GMO apple that doesn’t brown). This image has absolutely nothing to do with Monsanto, and is equivalent to showing a picture of a Motorola flip phone on a sign protesting against Apple Computers. I