
uhhh is this a safe space to talk about how we didn’t go to prom because we didn’t feel like it because high school was teh worst?

Isn’t yellow supposed to represent white in The Simpsons? Apu, Carl and Dr. Hibbert aren’t yellow...


I don’t know if I would like Tori’s songs as much sung by others. It’s her delivery that makes the songs so special.

I did mention A-a-ron, at a professional development event for teachers, on teaching phonics. The event leader mentioned in passing, when talking about double vowels, how students do not always understand that they are pronounced as one sound and not two.

Was this an act of malice?

Dangit. Are Kylie Jenner photos the new “The Dress”?

I don’t remember black people being so shiny and vapid.

Ugh tell me. I went to high school in a really religious neighborhood, and a bunch of the kids would come to school in T-shirts with crosses that say “THIS SHIRT IS ILLEGAL IN 37 COUNTRIES” or something, and act like they’re so fucking brave for wearing the damn shirt in TEXAS, in a country that’s had 44 consecutive

Just a small correction: You’ve had it with AMERICAN Christians and their false sense of persecution. Christian students were gunned down in Kenya this week specifically for being Christian, so let’s not pretend that Christians aren’t still routinely persecuted all over the world. But, yeah, American Christians who

Oh for fuck’s sake.

Pretty cool, but let’s be clear; this is a standard processor, hard drive and motherboard. It’s the case that’s build out of Legos. This has been done a lot.

Worst place I ever got sick was camping in the Sierra Mountains with my family. After a week of camping, on our last night, I was struck with a really nasty stomach bug. We had spent the afternoon drinking margaritas, so when the first wave of nausea hit, I thought it was the tequila. But no. How I wish it had been

I have a super dramatic fainting story. When I was in college, whenever I came home for breaks I had to go to church with my family (I was an atheist then as now, but it was a requirement of the house.) It was a super conservative catholic church with latin mass. It goes without saying there was to be no eating before

Language is a funny beast. This, however, was only meh. I like where they were going with it, but I think a lot more polish was needed for the writing used here.

Just wondering, Atheists are large in number, and also have strongly held beliefs. Could an atheist baker technically deny a Christian couple a wedding cake? I know they’re not religious, but yhey do have a religious stance, so....? And what about other religious people in Indiana? It’s obviously only a small number