
Lol, no. BBC Sherlock is vaguely mentioned as trying drugs sometimes. Moffat decides against making a big thing of it because 'cokeheads are twats'. When is he shown with his work suffering because of his addiction? When do his friendships suffer because of it? When is he forced to confront the real and devastating

Because Elementary Sherlock isn't the 'perfect genius white man', he's a drug addict. Unlike the other portrayal he is far from a male power fantasy. I brought up race because BBC Sherlock has basically whitewashed London, one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world. Not to mention the outright racism of

Meh, boring is having the same Sherlock told the same way doing the same things which is BBC Sherlock in a nutshell. If I want super white man Sherlock I'll read the original books, again. If I want compelling television super white man Sherlock I'll watch the series with Jeremy Brett. If I want interesting modern