They aren’t. He’s fine.
They aren’t. He’s fine.
So owners shouldn’t care about to people who buy the tickets, buy jerseys, pay for parking and over priced concessions? Gee, it’s almost as if people who work 40 to 60 hrs a week breaking their back to feed their family don’t want to spend the few extra dollars they have to watch a rich spoiled athlete call them and…
Which ones also have girlfriends calling a current owner racist and hall of fame player a Uncle tom
I’m a Dolphins fan, we might be without a quarterback this season, and I don’t want Colin Kaepernick anywhere near our team. This is a real problem, it’s not just rednecks in Texas that don’t support him.
I think there is speculation that Camilla will be queen when Charles ascends to the throne. Wasn’t Diana slated to be queen? And won’t Kate eventually?
I still manage to take a couple minutes to chitchat if they chat me up. It’s opened up opportunities to work on projects I was interested in, and it’s gotten me facetime with people who’ll be happy to give me glowing recommendations when I move on. And all it took was no being a toerag with my head up my ass for a few…
This comment isn’t about this particular incident. I don’t know who Bobby Valentino is (when I read the title I immediately though of Bobby Valentine, former MLB Manager). Maybe this guy specifically sought out a transgender sex worker, maybe he didn’t. The following comment is simply on how society is going to…
For some, this makes sense—many cisgender heterosexual people incorrectly believe that no one would be attracted to a trans person unless they had been “tricked.” Fortunately, many of us know better. We know better because we see cis heterosexual men intentionally targeting trans women for paid and unpaid sexual…
A man cheated on his wife, but you’re blaming another man? GTFOH!
Today I Didn’t Learn: who Clay Travis is.
at this point my $20 has paid for some interesting internet drama.
Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.
Look, I don’t want to be that guy but he wasn’t simply “refused entry” he didn’t have the proper paperwork to gain entry. Simply stating he was refused entry in the title implies there is some injustice or discrimination going on there.
It’s a legitimate question. I can’t speak for anyone else on the staff, but I’m generally against pre-ordering games because A) games are rarely hard to find anyway, and B) games have a good chance of shipping broken. I will personally pre-order hardware because oftentimes you’ll have a hard time getting it if you…
But it does speak to the fact that historically all people of all races have enslaved each other and others whenever they held power. Be it tribal enslavement, Egyptian enslavement of Nubians and Jews (and vice versa), Greek and Roman empirical enslavement, Indian caste system enslavement, indentured servitude,…
God damn...this shit sounds like a white supremacist article. Double standard much?
what Dothraki horse dung is this.
There are no messages in the show to any group in america.
this is the dumbest article i have ever read..... ever