
Dems should really beat the GOP at their own game. Start leaking rumors that you just made up. Feed the Chump’s paranoia. When they negotiate a bill in secret like the healthcare bill, fill the void with misinformation of the worst sort.

Latino here.

Since you seem to know jack shit about who has been awarded the Medal of Honor, why don’t you go acquaint yourself with the people to whom it’s been awarded who are either Hispanic, foreign born, or both.

Gizmodo was reporting on Milo Yiannopoulos’ leaked book with a very in depth opinion and criticism. When I suggested Gizmodo stick to technology and leave politics out of their articles the responses I got justifying it were, “The book is leaked and therefore it falls in the realm of technology.” Given that

it’s about having self respect and not dancing and jiving as a good token when they don’t care about you

It is ironic that people here are too put off to even visit a website. So much for the real Americans (TM) over here.

oh look, we got our The Root spokesperson over here. The irony of you calling other people triggered while being a user of that site is just awesome.

The “worst white people” tournament was what did it for me. That place is a racist pile of trash.

What does that mean? What’s faux about this story?

Alternate headline for The Root:

The article is about racist blacks - something that doesn’t fit the narrative on Gizmoto... I’m surprised it was mentioned at all.

“In every interview you have to be humorous because you’re a comedian.So I was trying to be humorous, and maybe it was not the best joke, but it was a joke.”


I had this very argument on giz awhile back. Some commenter was losing their mind over the idea that other people wouldn’t get as screwed for as long as they did if there was some form of student debt forgiveness. It’s like, if what’s left of your debt is forgiven along with everyone else’s, TAKE THE WIN.

Remember, he got out of his taxpayer funded sick bed and flew across the country for this. Anybody who says he wasn’t in the position to dramatically“castrate” McConnell on Tuesday when he gave the speech people fell all over themselves to praise isn’t really thinking it through. This could have been a squash match.

As a conservative I think we should help our fellow man.

Wresting is a good metaphor for this bullshit bit of theater. McCain could have effectively done exactly what he did last night on Tuesday afternoon, but he decided to do a swerve to generate good heat and then do a classic double-cross, and the marks go crazy. The problem is that this isn’t professional wrestling and

McCain is still an opportunist; he jumps in at the last minute and gets all the praise.

My favorite is the look on Dean Heller’s face as he realized he could have voted no and saved his career.

I think Sudekis would be perfect as The Mooch