
Not really. You don’t have to follow anyone on social media whose culinary choices displease you.

My favorite sushi restaurant in Venezuela used friend plantain as a topping on their “tropical California roll”. It was incredible. You do you, Kim.

Even if this guy were telling the truth, “I have an idea for you to do. It requires your work, talent, time, and money” reminds me too much of every “idea guy” in the software industry. Can’t feel too much sympathy.

Being against police brutality doesn’t mean championing the suspects. They may very well have committed a crime, but we have laws and rules the cops have to play by. I don’t care if you have a murder suspect in front of you, if the suspect doesn’t present a clear threat, you can’t shoot him.

PS— You’re too fucking

I grew up in South America, where benevolent sexism is kind of baked in: You’re taught to “take care of” the women in your life, including paying for stuff when you go on a date. It’s archaic, but I still offer, even though I live in the US now.

But while I now live in a society where sharing expenses is more common, I

Clueless first-worlders who don’t have to worry about actually living under the regimes they champion. Struggle tourists.

Venezuelan here. You are correct. It takes a specially vile kind of nerve to call someone gusano from the safety and comfort of an American lifestyle.


“I can’t stop watching at these game development wizards break the internet with this sick joke and I have all the questions”

ITT: “Nah man, I’m totally into new music, and I’m 42! The 90s sucked amirite?”

Hey Billy, why don’t you go write about something you actually know something about? Like nothing at all.

However, the fact that Cynthia Nixon, who does come off as intelligent and thoughtful about the world around her based on her interviews and political work, does side with SJP. Kristin Davis also seems to be on that team. Ditto Willie Garson.

The character has existed for 20 years. Fucking casuals, man.

As if they get invited to any

I used to think curling was goofy till I saw Jennifer Jones and her team in action. Fucking addicted now.

“How can I take a kidnapping of a foreign national that took place overseas and find a way to blame any portion of America for it?”

“Dark skinned Cheddar Man good, light-skinned Nefertiti bad”

Science is not a buffet.

If that’s the meaning someone took from that post, I WOULD assume they were unevolved themselves.

Some racists are more acceptable than others, apparently.

TIL Yakub’s on Kinja