House Calrissian - What Have We Here?
House Calrissian - What Have We Here?
“Dark skinned Cheddar Man good, light-skinned Nefertiti bad”
Science is not a buffet.
If that’s the meaning someone took from that post, I WOULD assume they were unevolved themselves.
Some racists are more acceptable than others, apparently.
TIL Yakub’s on Kinja
Senility is such a sad thing to witness.
lol ok
For fuck’s sake. Try to automate this kind of job on a raw 4k master and see why it’s not as easy as “set up ffmpeg, hit Enter, and go away for a few days”.
On a low-res internet-ready clip? Probably not. Now let’s do a 4k/8k cinema master.
Smell the professionalism!
He didn’t mean it was a bigger achievement. As I said, he’s old enough to have seen us land on the Moon. He just meant the sight of those boosters coming back home and landing in perfect sync was a more awesome visual, especially given that we saw it in full-color HD. It was a movie come to life.
And because Mittens is a cat and not a child, it’s neither good or bad for the cat if Bed Bug Bobby never comes to visit. Mittens will be fine whether they see triple-B again or not. Because Mittens is a cat.
I have a friend who saw the Moon landing as a child, and hesaid that the booster landing was THE most sci-fi come to life moment of his life.
Studios would really love us to do that.
I’m listening
Inferno Squad movie featuring Lando and Shriv.
I kinda of want to see a remake of Bingo Long All Stars & Traveling Motor Kings starring Glover.
Touche! I guess I was thinking mostly of the latest craze: DC wanting to skip straight to team-up movies without doing the world-building, Universal declaring a “dark universe” and then just as quickly canceling it, etc.
I didn’t mean it as an attack on Peele, if anyone can find a worthwhile idea for a sequel that…
The character and story may be set in Africa, but BP was conceived in the middle of the civil rights revolution first as a way to reach African American readers, and later as a vehicle for African American creators. Black Panther and Wakanda’s metacontext are the AA experience.
He also said “I would have to have a story that I feel would take it up a notch”, so hopefully he’s not going to go for the easy cash grab.