Shouldn’t that be the way? Bring everyone up to whatever the current top level is? Fuck no I’m not taking a pay cut, I’m campaigning so my coworkers get paid the same as me.
Shouldn’t that be the way? Bring everyone up to whatever the current top level is? Fuck no I’m not taking a pay cut, I’m campaigning so my coworkers get paid the same as me.
Yes, actually:
I believe in innocent until proven guilty, but that’s the most guilty-sounding denial I’ve ever heard outside of the Nuremberg Trials.
That’s, like, 90% of us.
Isn’t this what you guys do sometimes, though? I’m a developer and I have 20 people needing my immediate attention at all times. I can’t “take a walking break every half hour”, nor can I pick and choose to do my job at my “peak productivity hours”. They’re brilliant recommendations for people with more flexible jobs…
There’s no absolutism. That’s a fable in your mind.
I like the church ending for personal reasons: I had lost my dad two years prior, and Jack’s reunion with his father, and the realization that they were all dead, and in a “happy” afterlife resonated with me.
So they were both unsatisfactory whimpers that did away with years-long mysteries in order to wrap everything up within a couple hours?
It’s getting to the point where I hear “so-and-so accused of sexual assault” and I ask if we’re talking “hit on someone at work” or actual sexual assault.
Yes, that’s what it’s called. Not ABUSE that “triggers” her because some idiot that once hit on her is calling out an actual rapist.
Maybe it’s time for a magazine titled “Bicker”. Or maybe “Bick’r”.
Disagree. Vaguebooking’s a crime against humanity.
And since people are being outed for anything from hitting on subordinates to actual sexual assault, details matter.
Oh, he’s real and as cringey as you might expect.
He’s not only real, he’s a living, breathing midlife crisis:
I love when the lolcows materialize of their own free will.
Conflicted villains that you wish could be redeemed are fandom catnip. Bonus points if they’re attractive. Anakin, Kylo, Draco, Lucius (seriously, the amount of Lucius-perving on tumblr took me by surprise)...
Everything in your post is true. But the people behind the sequel trilogy are neither making use of established lore, nor are they expanding it.
“Out of context” just means “I said it, now let me backpedal and explain why it wasn’t SO BAD YOU FUCKING SNOWFLAKE CUCKS” in Bannonese.
They both look so... Off. Like someone tried to make a human-looking robot and didn’t get the details quite right.
And RDJ’s makeup wasn’t cartoonish or grotesque, which I think helped get people on board with the idea.