
The Damons (Sr. and Jr.) are the only funny Wayans. The rest are just living off the name.

Kylo, Leia’s son, Luke’s nephew, and Anakin’s grandson says hi.

Shmi was just embarrassed about the drunken one night stand with Dr. Evazan.

There is more than one Dark (and Light) Side school. Sith was just one. Kylo is the leader of the Knights of Ren (whatever that is), but is definitely not a Sith.

Rian already said Rey’s parentage is open to whatever JJ wants to do. There’s no grand plan, and they’re going to backpedal.


I suggest you re-read the post of yours I originally replied to, which you posted in response to a very light-hearted article. You have more issues than I can help you with, so if bantering with me has kept you from hurting someone in real life, then I’m glad.

“Gamergater”?? For fuck’s sake, you’re insane.

Being this troubled by words that you’ll never really see/think about once the piece of gear is in the machine doesn’t seem the height of well-adjusted adulthood, bud.

Michael’s the store-brand HamNo, with more barely-concealed hate.

Ok. I wish you well in the imaginary battles you’re waging.

You could, uh, stop engaging, if my “aggressiveness” is bothering you. I’ll just keep working on my DestructoidAmazoSpeedDeathDemon PC, no worries.

I’m not mad at all. I had a laugh at the original, lighthearted article, and then you sucked the fun out of it. Don’t project, it won’t help you sort yourself out.

All I was doing was taking note of literally everything in American news of the last few years, the way everyone have gotten bent out of shape over it all and failed to understand each other and chosen to go on the attack instead, and how I imagine that’s what it’d be like if the gaming community starts reckoning

You took an essentially harmless comedic article about the goofiness of gaming tech names (usually overblown names implying power/speed/performance) and drew a connection between that and racism, sexism, and oppression.

Not everything ties back to the evils of the world, and not every expression of even moderate

Based on how quickly some people jumped to associating these names with racism and sexism (???), I don’t think anything less than “Low-testosterone 5000x” or “Respectful gentlesir Ti” will suffice. Maybe the “White Guilt pr99s”?

High-performance components saddled with names that suggest power or speed? MY GOD WHAT MANCHILDREN!!! You’d think they’re about to use those components to, like, play GAMES or something.

That looks like fun. Expect to be slammed for it. This thread ran out of fun after the first two comments.

How does it feel to be this devoid of joy?

Yes! I LOVE Star Wars and superhero movies, but I don’t need a brand new one every three months on the dot, which seems to be what Disney wants to do. It cheapens what should be a special event. At this rate, they’re all gonna taste like beans by the time Episode IX rolls around.