If it’s a horror movie, the last thing I want is the meta-treatment from the audience. Save the knowing commentary and laughter for the home viewing, let me try to become immersed and maybe even actually scared, please.
If it’s a horror movie, the last thing I want is the meta-treatment from the audience. Save the knowing commentary and laughter for the home viewing, let me try to become immersed and maybe even actually scared, please.
I live in an area with pretty cheap movie prices ($7.50 matinees, $8.50 evening 2D, going all the way to $17 for IMAX 3D/D-Box), and I only go once or twice a year. Not because I don’t like movies, but because theater tentpoles are starting to feel like clock-punch affairs I’m attending more out of loyalty to a…
I clicked over thinking the headline would turn out to be clickbait, but nope, there it is.
They can read books, but they can’t process opposing information. Like Scientologists (or any other cult, really), they can be very intelligent people, who can read and debate very well, but only within the sphere they have chosen to believe in. Attempt to inject reality, and they can’t deal.
Want a Snickers?
Counterpoint: Kyrie’s a dumbass.
If it’s a trivial-but-notorious math error, I’ll deserve it!
You’re getting called “racist” next, I’m betting. So problematic!
What the fuck is math, amirite?
People taking the tweet as a literal command rather than a motivational platitude need to take a nap.
The whole throne room scene is my second-favorite part, after Luke’s last stand and death.
From the design (the plain red backdrop was ominous and otherworldly in ways no amount of alien machinery could), to Serkis’ performance, to the choreography of the Praetorian Guards (the way they struck a pose the second the…
^ That there’s someone who loves the smell of their own farts.
That would have been fine.
My brother’s review: “As a movie in its own right? 9.5. As a Star Wars movie? 7.5"
In a sea of online unearned smugness, you’ve topped them all.
People acting like they’re on the right side of some major historical event because they liked a movie? THAT’s my least favorite part of this movie.
While I hate how the new trilogy is ill-using the original character (giving them miserable lives/sad endings in the interest of furthering the journey of the new characters), I think Lando taking Holdo’s place would actually have fit. An aged Lando who’s remained a high-ranking officer in the Rebellion deciding to…
...And then promptly unmade by Disney’s new EU, better known as “that thing people tell you to invest time and money into when you point out plot holes in the movies”. Holdo and Leia’s out-of=nowhere deep loving friendship? “Read the novels, it’s all there!”
You seem angry. Have a Snickers. Wait, I didn’t pay EA $60 for a broken design. Snickers is on me :)
But... I am :)
Sshh, it’s ok. Keep paying full price for truncated content, and thanking them for it. Enjoy yourself and pretend it was never any better.