
Maybe being out 10 milllion will help them make sure there are enough SNES classics to go around. But considering Nintendo gets off on being withholding, probably not.

Has she learned to write melodies to go along with her ramblings yet?

I told the guy I wasn’t going to pay for the bloody thing, but he could tell the rubes who voted for him anything he wanted.

You guessed it, Frank Stallone.

Limpin’ Ain’t Easy.

Actually, that’s pretty much been their dynamic from the beginning.

You guessed it…Frank Stallone. *sobs*

Steve Albini would like a word.

He should've known something was up when he saw that unattended child in the editing bay.

If only that had happened with every bit of terrible music they ever recorded.

The A.V Club?

I look forward to the logistical cartwheels Disney has to do to make the trilogy between Jedi and The Force Awakens.

Since when do these assholes believe in science?

Newborns? That's an odd name. I'd have called them Chuzwazzers.

That's dumb branding. Just call yourself Anti-Facist. It makes it much harder to be against you, because you sound like you're Pro-Facist.

Probably those famous giant beers I've heard so much about.

Calling them "Antifa" is a tool of the Alt-right to give it some sort of Islamic sounding nomenclature. I prefer "Anti Facist".

"Yes, something about this young, attractive, docile young model wearing his daughters clothes enticed Trump."

Yeah. Just watched it. That made me sad.

I'm going to regret clicking on the video aren't I?