
That's pretty much the curse of being a visionary. Same with Chuck Berry, Picasso, Einstein etc. When an idea is so seminal that it's hard to imagine the world without it, its creator gets taken for granted.

True story: in 8th grade I was required to take a Confederate History class to complete my GA history credit. In our text book every mention of the Civil War it was called "The War of Northern Aggression".

That's exactly my point friend. We're done for. We're the last generation who gets to live and die in a more or less perfect Earth. It's going to reject us like a mismatched organ, but it'll be fine for the apes or crustaceans who inherit it. Maybe in time you'll realize that your concern for the earth is completely

Wife, indentured servant. Tomato, tomahto.

He doesn't have to. Behaving that way has made him the most powerful man in the world. Why would anyone think he's going to change his tune?

My brother was robbed at gunpoint a few weeks ago. They took a total of 27 dollars from him.

Everytime I hear that I roll my eyes. The planet will be fine. It's lived through five mass extinctions and has always bounced back. We're screwed. Not the planet. It was here before us and will be here until the sun swallows it.

If they would just admit that England's greatest Prime Minister was Lord Palmerston.

Fair enough.

So when I threw up after First Communion it didn't mean I'm pure evil?

*googles DLTAS, immediately regrets it*

Nobody wants to die because of unrestrained Migos. That's why Des Moines elected President Trump!

Do they not have a manager to sort these kind of things out? I'm sure GNR in their debauched heyday would've had a guy for this kind of thing.

Seems like the apex of the current tattoo culture. If you're about as interesting as a week-old saltine, just pay someone a few hundred dollars to carve up your arms to make you seem "dangerous". See also: motorcycles.

And so begins the Kinjawakening; not with a whimper, but with a belated Simpsons quote.

What about the unattractive dogs? They need love too.

*sues TheMuteLurker*

It's not quite a steampunk robot, and not quite a puppet. But man are they…

That man has never agreed with a Ron Mexico person in his life!

Yeah. I know. I just don't like to shit on people.