
I believe the winner of this feud gets to be the new PWR BTTM!

My prediction: DDL keeps his word until being offered the role of Rick Sanchez in the live-action adaptation of "Rick and Morty". Sadly he then succumbs to cirrhosis halfway into his Method preparations.

And I'm sure the Globetrotters were always nice to the Washington Generals.

Tin Cup is a great film. Good Call.

Shut up and take my money!

40 some odd comments and no Spinal Tap reference? You let me down A.V Club.

What "sports movie"ends with our hero losing? Pretty remarkable filmmaking.

I actually watched it 2 days ago, it's really remarkable for its refusal to adhere to Campbellian structure. It takes an hour for the "Call to Adventure" to happen, yet it is one of my top 5 movies.

George_Liquor, would you say it's time for our commenters to crack each other's heads open and feast on the goo inside?

We're through the looking glass here people…

Sucks to be you O'Neal! Wal-Mart will never get my…*looks down* Son of a bitch!

Kill Bill Vol. 1 was the apex of the Kung-Fu movie. That's why no one has tried to make one since.

Let's not get carried away here…

I think her comment was accurate for Hollywoo at large, but Spielberg is a non-starter. Ellie in Jurassic Park is one of my favorite characters in general, Marion in Raiders, Celie in The Color Purple… He's been really good about putting strong characters who happen to be female in his films.

There's a fetish I didn't realise I had…

A film that lasts for days and is incomprehensible to Americans? The math checks out.

That's weird. I thought in Russia A.V Club trolled you?

Ugh. The fact that some people need to ask that question makes me sad MLA.

To be fair…since he came out of his cage he's been doing just fine.