isn't the SJW thing kind of understandable as a comedian though? Policing speech seems like it would be anathema to them.
isn't the SJW thing kind of understandable as a comedian though? Policing speech seems like it would be anathema to them.
wait, did i miss something here? when did people turn on Patton?
"I need tungsten to live! TUNGSTEN!"
Come on, 50's physique has nothing on the lineup of the original cast. I mean body mass alone…
Them's fighting words! *begins a plie*
I think Rory was a bit overrated, yes she got into Yale; but I don't necessarily think Mitchum was wrong. If you go by her ambition, she would've never gotten off the ground. Jess always wanted to push her into better things, Logan wouldn't necessarily have held her back…but she would've never been Christiane…
Logan IMO would've eventually wanted Rory to be the person his mother wanted him to be (But, I'm a Gilmore) whereas Jess would've been her partner in anything she wanted to do (i.e when he confronted her about dropping out of Yale).
I honestly think Rory and Jess suit each other more than anyone, he challenged her in a way that no one else ever did. Ditto for Lorelei and Luke. It's probably more my own thing though. My big heartbreak was with an attorney who grew up very privileged, whereas I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. So it's more…
you have to define "OTP" for me, there are so many acronyms bandied about these days
Clever girl.
We could literally argue about this all day. But I'm willing to admit my hatred of those two comes from my socioeconomic insecurity. So I'm looking at then through rose colored lenses.
It's obvious from my hatred of Logan isn't it? Lorelei/Luke and Rory/Her Career (with Adult Jess as a fallback). And I'm not wise at all, I'm most likely a bad person. Too many people love me despite the fact that I don't deserve it. I've revealed way too much in this post.
It wasn't a slam on Sondheim. He's one of the few Broadway composers I respect.
You're a romantic. Nothing wrong with that.
Speaking as a serially poor Mexican male, good writing and well drawn characters. incredible preformances as well.
Come on, it was just a easy way for him to diminish her skills as a journalist. His dad did the same thing and was reviled. But Logan's much cuter!
Logan is just young Christopher. Did you want Lorelei to end up with him?
"And these actors…once they get a bit of notoriety, they forget who got them to where they are! If you ask me, there's no loyalty in this industry! And don't get me started on the fans! If it's not exactly how they remember, it's worthless! Give me a break. They did it to Mitch Hurwitz and they're doing it here! …
I think we passed the bar of "authentic" when he suggested street gangs settled their disputes with dance.
He's still alive? Huh. Good for him.