This has been my opinion for years. Coincidentally enough, it's also my opinion of "The White Album".
This has been my opinion for years. Coincidentally enough, it's also my opinion of "The White Album".
My cat is currently stuck up a tree for the second time in two months, so I'm inclined to agree with Xanderpuss at the moment. First time I was worried, now I'm like "figure it out asshole".
I apologize if it needs explanation, the whole "Oscars so white thing ignores the fact that they honored Latinos last year.
Dirrt Ddddr!
Wow guys, so you can get outraged when no one of color is nominated for acting, but when a Mexican guy wins two years in a row it's a problem? interesting dichotomy.
Winter's Bone
lol "gently". not according to the women I've been with.
Star Wars: The Hole Agapens
Goodnight everybody!
Max Greenfield would've made a brilliant Reggie. Now that I think of it, Schmidt basically is Reggie.
The Japanese!? Those sandal wearing goldfish tenders!?
Do you mean getting blackout drunk on the high-gravity beer by Victory? Wait for my memoirs.
So we've finally found out the only role Bill Murray would agree to. Sidenote: I would plunk down 12 bucks just to hear Omar say the phase "heart chakras".
That was an early morning HBO classic. "Victor/Victoria" with Rodney Dangerfield and Dame Jackee? I'm all in.
My favorite was actually Elliott Smith's performance (damn you Perkins!),but my alternate would have to be Robin Williams doing "Blame Canada" from SP:BLU. I've never appreciated his performance style more. He's one of those guys you could tell just got unparalleled joy from working a crowd.
ElDan is on board as casting director.
The Monkees weren't about the music. They were about rebellion!
Yet my pun-based procedural "Rigor Mortys" about a hard nosed P.I named Morty who teams up with a by the book coroner (also named Morty) to solve cold cases set in New Orleans sits on the shelf! Get your shit together FOX!
The A.V Club
It's joined "yoink" as one of the things I say constantly that 99% of the population doesn't understand.
Shut up Leonard! I know about your crooked wang!