
The kind of portals she can produce now are exclusive of her latest revamp. Symm v1 and v2 portals were her ultimate ability, they teleported 6 people tops, from spawn to a place decided by the player. Symm v3 portals teleport fellow heroes (and several objects, like D. Va’s self-destructing mech or Symm’s own turrets)

They did, but if the box rolls 2 grays and 2 blues, you’re still gonna get duplicates if you own them all. Owning every common, rare and epic item does not make you get more legendaries

Well, those are not “loot boxes only” cards, but Blizzard Balance cards. Instead of buying lootboxes buy a game with them. EZ, innit?

Actually, you don't see people quitting because of Blizzard's relentless harassment on cheaters and botters. If you found 60 cheaters for every 2 players you'd quit WoW. By taking off what they can, they maintain the player base. In Overwatch, on the other hand, cheaters are more easily spotted by players, and if a

Actually, Winston even has an achievement for destroying many towers without dying

Look for thee Car Wash achievement