
yeah once your brakes actually fail it gets real pricey real quick. learning how to do your own brakes is one of the best investments you can make. you save money on parts and labor and you also learn to assess the condition of stuff, so when a mechanic tells you "you need this" you can say "no i don't" and know that

i like denser euro style pancakes too. and belgian waffles, which you probably just call waffles.

that's the rotor that has been worn down to well nothing. it's supposed to look like this

sometimes it really is a "i wouldn't drive another mile" situation. image courtesy of reddit

it is trail rated!

but she's got a new hat! i'll show myself out

hypothetical question. car is stolen, now i have 15k to get a new daily driver. min requirements: stick, reliability and fun. miata is not an acceptable answer.

overpriced apple product? what? no way? not possible!!!!

might not be, but most likely are

wah wah wah

when iphone originally came out it was like a sleek piece of the future. now it's just another smart phone. there is a good article that compares it as from having gone from being a porsche to turning into a camry. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-19557497

0 fucks were given

very, very nice.

"It seemed to come out of nowhere that everyone started wanting BMWs"....you are kidding right? because until NOW no one EVER wanted a BMW.

its nice but it should come with jelly bean already on it and no motorola skin

other than it's a lot more fun there are several reasons. with a stick you get the safety benefits that were mentioned above also engine braking and precise control you can only get when you feather the clutch. it sorta makes you much more in tune with what the car is doing, reading surface conditions, control in how

it always depends on the car. if there is a new generation coming out the old ones will be heavily discounted. i bet the 6th gen golfs are gonna experience some serious price drops since the 7th gen is about to be released. same with the accords, you can pick up a 2012 lx for like 21k, which is a good deal. but some

whatchu mean "these" people?

the only way to consider buying this would be in top trim with a stick. then the car is somewhat bearable. in rental car trim with an auto, it just sucks

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's a she.