
are you kidding? you're telling me this now? I just leased a maserati with my credit card and rented a mansion, and have a gambling junket in macau planned. the idea is the world ends, i never have to pay this shit back. don't you dare and foist fiscal responsibility back on me.

personally I don't understand the animosity towards the new vws. If you think about the concept of the original beetle, a cheap car anyone can own. vw is not supposed to be a luxury brand. This is vw going back to that idea. Who needs a jetta that costs close to 30k and spends every other week in the shop? But a

it's like posting a picture of a 1984 dodge aries next to a 2012 gallardo and saying something along the lines of what you just said. one is high end and new, the other is low end and old. im sorry how are you gonna compare a 200 dollar acer to a mac that costs 3 grand?

thanks for the safety tips, but ive been riding for 12 years. everything im saying is based on first hand experience. and yes i wear fullface snell/dot helemts that i replace every 3 years, along with armored gloves and ce armored jacket and spine protector.

I'm sure it'll be fine, one thing the russians have an excellent track record with is nuclear safety.....

i wish my commute was longer cause i ride a motorcycle to work, i hate to admit it but zipping through and around traffic gives me an insane amount of satisfaction

sprint has unlimited data, end of story.

even if that is a myth i enjoy the sound, especially a triple. but it's not a myth, especially since there is legislation pending to add noise to electric cars. why? because people can't hear them. is it stupid and should people pay more attention? yes. but they don't. same with bikes, you can give a quick rev or you

i dunno if id want a quiet bike, sometimes that's the only thing that alerts other drivers to your presence. oh and the lack of range.

buying new is for suckers.

the dart is not incentivised properly. I went to drive one and its a nice little car. However if you want sunroof the thing costs the same as a turbo veloster but has 30 less horses. I asked about a lease too, 400 a month with good credit is what they said. 400 a month on a car worth 20k and a dodge to boot. no wonder

oh the irony. the president is doing a Q&A (ama) on reddit and not here. do you think it maybe says something about the tertiary quality of gawker?

if you tie a string around your finger it'll turn purple.

i test drove an automatic one just for shits and giggles, the one thing that really stood out is the size of the blind spots. they are simply unacceptably large.

anyone else notice the picture of a BMWmino here? http://www.boston.com/cars/news-and-reviews/2012/08/27/differences-how-men-women-car-shop/bDU9HblQMKT40BGuJvRRKM/pictures.html?pg=3&t=150&cp=3 last time I checked a 3 series pickup did not exist in nature

page 80: disavow any knowledge of android and at the penalty of beheading never admit it's superiority.

problem is with what some people consider bad service, what may be bad service to them, could in fact just be a slightly less thorough ass kissing than they are used to.

its really not surprising that an asian woman is the worst driver in the world

oh the humanity! that is the most heartbreaking story I've ever heard. is there a fund for snobbed millionaires i can donate to? i just wanna do my part to make sure that this never happens to anyone ever again.

when does it make sense financially to buy rather than rent?