
You see, with Jamie Foxx it’s... How should I phrase it? Oh yea..

And on every single track, it’s the same triplet rhyming which was bad when they first did it and is just as bad today. 

Can a 40 year old man ride a bike? Can a 50 year old learn to surf? Can a 60 year old lift weights? Does lifehacker know how to write an interesting headline to an article? You may as well start adding “The answer may shock you...”

And as always, we apply Betteridge’s law of articles.

Betteridge’s Law of Headlines... Always credit Ian 

I mean, you’re really splitting hairs here. Regardless, fact checking should be SOP for any person writing for a website.

This is what passes for journalism these days. Especially here a Giz..

To quote Dennis Miller “If I could talk to the animals, I wouldn’t.. because they’re fucking animals.”

Yup. I use ccc a lot. Honey also shows you price history as well.

it’s clear that I was right

Grow up” says the guy posting line after line of sarcasm. *thumbs up*

All I’ve done is counter-pointed some of your arguemnts, because I truly don’t get it. That doesn’t make me any better or worse than anyone and at no point did I make fun of poeple for doing it. I simply dont understand it (I stated that in my original post). If you feel the need to belittle me with a weak attempt at

Yea, tho it looks like they backpedaled. I’ve done 3 new installs of printers for clients and haven’t had to sign in to use the scanner. Scanner just works now. I assume they got shit for it and backed off.

I never said I had a connection to anyone who plays esports cause I don’t. I just enjoy watching it over athletic sports. I care about the gameplay, not the players/teams.

We’ll agree to disagree. Even the alums (and relatives?) is still barely a connection. “OMG that kid paid a lot of money to go to the same school I went to. And now he’s throwing a ball on that field!” Think of your high school team? Do you still go to games or feel a connection with them. I could give 2 shits what my

Correct. You own $X amount of RH’s doge holdings.

Even at college level, they are all recruited from different parts of the country. And rooting for any team below that (high school) will normally mean you have a stake in the game (eg: your kid is on the team).

The whole “My team” is extremely arbitrary. It’s a game played by people who dont’t live in your state who are hired to do a job and it’s run by an owner and coaches who also aren’t from your state. And we call them the “home team”..

You aren’t missing anything. There is no reason to do it. I have a hard last name to pronounce. I do not pre-emptively show people how to pronounce it. If they do mis-pronounce it, I can correct them nicely or just ignore it. I certainly don’t get offended. That isn’t any different.