
Very, very cool to get the actual story behind the photo. I’ve definitely seen it bandied about here and there over the years, and while my friends and I did a great many things with duct tape in the 90's as teenagers—particularly on marching band trips—none of us ever tried taping someone to an i-beam for a LAN party.

I hated this when I was a kid. I’d see all the commercials, do my best to be good, be nice to the creepy mall Santa, the whole bit. Then I’d wake up really early, make sure everyone else was up, tear into my presents, and... “They’ll keep your feet warm,” they said. “They match your sweater.”

Thank goodness, my 55 gallon drum of lube is almost spent.

Thank goodness, my 55 gallon drum of lube is almost spent.

Tell that to my cats.

Tell that to my cats.

Ever get runner’s high.... on weed?

Boxers, and a CVT Pathfinder?

Depends on the underpants and the car.


Dihydrogen monoxide man.... breathing it in liquid form means death in minutes, but 100% of those who drink it will eventually die.

My only major problem with vaping is the secondhand bit of it. Most cigarette smokers are fairly considerate about where they’re blowing their smoke after inhale. But because vaping is considered “safer” vapists care less about that. The clouds end up much larger and tend to have incredibly obnoxious scents attached

Do...do you not breathe the same air other people do all day?

yo, come on. A better challenge would be to not carry a credit card balance. “crap you don’t need with money you don’t have.”

oh sorry, I guess I have to pray 5 times a day, wear hijab, fast everyday on Ramadan, and go on the Hajj before I can call myself a Muslim! Gotcha. Good to know that the Proper Muslim Patrol is active and alert on this website.

Ugh I despise Ramadan in the summers. Fasting during hot days is so freakin’ hard because we’re not allowed to drink water, even though hydration is important. So that being said, please do NOT question or side-eye any Muslims who don’t fast during Ramadan. Some of us don’t fast or pray or participate in Ramadan but

Good! These other folks on the other hand are so damn pressed.

Did I hit a nerve darling?

By this logic, you can use that retort with anything then. Quitting smoking, bought a juicer, went to a new restaurant, upgraded your video card.. Besides, he didn’t say he never joined facebook. He had it, deleted it and is happy about it. That is called sharing an experience. Not bragging.

Mac users, the absolute best productivity solution is SelfControl. It’s free, and it’s impossible to unset the block once it’s running. It’s simple, you set up a blacklist of sites you don’t want to access during a certain time frame, and press the start button. For that period, nothing you do will get you to sites on

Nice meltdown.

That’s only if you want to move your entire Steam installation.