
You sound as though you would benefit from a therapist as much as a nutritionist. There was another recent study that showed the opposite of your claim, that being nagged about one's weight encouraged weight loss. Salt is also good or bad for you depending on the day of the week. It's true that BMI is inaccurate for

What's being overlooked here is that most men who consider themselves 'tough guys' find it insulting to have to take orders from a women and will intentionally undermine the authority of a woman in a position of power over them. Along those same lines, many white men who have superiority complexes coupled with fragile

First of all, the manufacture, shipment and sale of the reusable synthetic bags waste many, many times more resources and cause much more environmental harm than plastic bags do. Plastic bags are also regularly reused by all but the rich and primarily so for disposing of either food or animal waste; now, people will

You're supposed to save up your 70 cents to the dollar until you can afford a fashionable, feminine purse that will make you a target for male muggers.

I've been really annoyed that this aspect of sexism in tech has been almost entirely absent from discussions of sexism in tech. The fact of the matter is that these nearly all male companies are making products specifically for an all male market — and those women who are willing to overpay for a device that is too

The Pro version has been pulled for some reason. Little disappointed it doesn't (can't?) give access to any app you have installed. Otherwise, very useful.

With the CEO & head of Design both being gay men, it's not exactly surprising that they forgot about periods and ignored the fact that their new phones a too large for most women's hands and pockets. Steve Jobs, on the other hand, named the first computer he got into mass production after his daughter and made sure

Your faux outrage is so dull. Why don't you head on back to Jezebel before you get 'triggered' by any flecks of uncensored reality that threaten your fragile psyche and challenge your appropriated, denialist, bumper sticker talking points? Wouldn't want you to pull a muscle whilst straining to think for yourself.

Whole Foods was always consistently fifty bucks cheaper for the exact same things than Ralph's when I was living in LA.

The only people who can fit this garbage in their pockets are obese and/or wear extremely unfashionable clothing. Huge phones are lowest common denominator, Walmart crowd phones for people with fat greasy fingers who can only afford a single computing device. This is Apple officially giving up any illusions of being a

I was just wondering if there was any way to prevent this from being cat-triggered.

Dental floss is also much stronger than thread when you need to mend something.

I want to know how to protect an airmattress from the claws of a cat who is paw-stupid.

Is there a repository of Applescript Services that can be downloaded? I followed a tutorial earlier today to create a particular service and at the very bottom of the page they were like "And here's the service, if you just want to download it!" It just seems dumb for everyone who wants to Combine Selected PDFs or

If you use Feedly on a Mac, you can create an app of it with Fluid and then integrate a Send to Pocket bookmarklet in the Bookmarks Bar or simply do this with Safari, Firefox, etc. On iOS, I mostly use Mr. Reader and Reeder as clients for Feedly and their Pocket etc. integration still works fine, but the same

The developer is just one guy...and he doesn't take criticism well. It's a greatly functional app, but unfortunately it is the only app of its kind with that breadth of functionality so it has a defacto monopoly on its niche. If there were an app with even 75% of the same functionality and a user interface that was

I really wish someone would come up with a skin for it that people could download and use. Frankly, it's so ugly that I use it as infrequently as possible and have put off buying an ereader because it would mean staring at that ugly interface more often. I just don't understand how an open source work with as large of

I actually sort of pack this way, but I layer the roll outside to inside as: pants, hoodies/sweaters/long sleeved shirts, t-shirts/tanks, shorts and underwear, socks. It helps to fit a lot more stuff in a bag than would otherwise, but it's kind of a pain when the time comes to actually change clothes. If you were just

As someone who cannot eat soy, a subsidized filler that is put in everything from juice to ground beef in the US, I'm disappointed but not surprised that they didn't bother to list the empty soy-free alternatives column.

Can you give me some tips on how to test a person (without an MRI) for lack of empathy? Just simple straight forward experiments. I would like to determine whethe someone I know is a sociopath or just a complete asshole.