
I said this over on the Gizmodo article, which is just slightly below Gawker Prime in attracting right wing crackheads, and will say it again here. Ben Carson needs to have his medical license stripped. he is a lying pandering jackass using fear to advance a political agenda, which is his right. But he then loses the

To clush yor enamees. See dem dliven before yoo. Heear da lamendayshun of der wiemen.

after reading some of the comments still complaining because shes a "Butch Russian" I come to the Conclusion that there's just No Pleasing Anyone .

That was really well produced. Best part was the most canon thing EVER about Batman: "I never underestimate," ANYTHING/ANYONE, Bruce is the penultimate planner and schemer, nobody out does Batman if he has time to plan. His intellect and will are his superpowers and what he uses to be better than anyone who would

Darth Vader is super slow and very arrogant. Batman would use his breathing machine, slowness, and arrogance against him. Sure he might get force choked but Vader has to really focus on choking him to do that and a batarang to Vader would be enough disctraction for Batman to get out of the choke. He's got plenty of

That other video was straight BS. Batman always wins. Always.

Free to play: Aw Fuck!