
It doesn’t, however, include Oscar Isaac and Domhnall Gleeson recreating the dancing scene from Ex Machina while in their Star Wars costumes. Huge let down.

What if Kylo ends up being the good guy? He’s in a bad place and making sacrifices because he knows the reach, power and evil of Snoke. Kylo knows he’s doomed because even if he proves himself trustworthy to Snoke and gets close enough to strike him down he will never get a happy ending. Kylo is hanging onto the idea

This is a rare feeling for me, but does he really deserve this level of vitriol? Like I get it, his tweets were incredibly naive and definitely speak to the cloud of privilege he must have lived in his entire life, but also the fact that he was disturbed by what he saw suggests to me that he has at least a shred of

Books from GRRM are never late, and are never early. They arrive precisely when they mean to.

My nephew hasn’t, but then, he’s like 6 months old.

Regardless of what it turns out to be, along with the Curiosity Rover, Pluto and Phillae, I’m just delighted we seem to be in a time when the general public are beginning to look to the skies again and get excited at the prospect of things outside our little blue ball.

That was a very fascinating article. Seeing the behind-the-scenes of porn, with all those lurid sex acts spoken of so casually, is so weird, but at the same time so interesting. Actually, more interesting than the actual porn movie.

The use of 24 Hours Earlier... When TV shows or movies start off with an action sequence where it looks like the hero is doomed for good, then all of a sudden they flash back to a short while before the events you just saw. Which ultimately means you are going to see the same scene again (dumb). It was maybe

Cancel it?

I like how casually this author explains how he almost threw a temper tantrum, and gave up on buying a toy he wanted because he could not buy all the toys he wanted.

I would also be dumped by my wife if I acted like this about toys, let alone haul our asses to sit in a line at midnight. Her response after reading the article: “Why didn’t he just order it online like a normal person? Was it worth a lego piece that’ll be lost in a couple years and a poster that’ll be tossed in the

Poor fiance! She stood by you all night for your hobby, and everyone left sad. And you even thought about putting down the one thing she got for you?

At the time, Eliot Ness was Safety Director for the City of Cleveland. He was in overall command of both the police and fire departments

You need to lighten up. The question wasn’t ridiculous or far-fetched. It was an honest suggestion about a not unrealistic scenario. I don’t know what kind of position you’re in that you consider such knowledge as airplane scrapyard manifests to be trivial, but most people don’t just have that sort of information on

This all seems rather mean-spirited and kinda lame. Aren’t there literally millions “adult kids” that get some help at some time from their parents? It’s sort of a sign of the times, isn’t it?

Ouch! All the selfies and Facebook likes in the world don’t spell real self-worth, and now a shocked and devastated Bill scurries to get his supervisor.

This monologue worked for me for several reasons. First, it’s a terrible thing to do to another person, and adds to the moral complexity of the show, which looks to be