
Exactly. These people ruin it for everyone else. And you know what? This is why we should have more firearm regulation. There are people who should not be gun owners. What was the mother protecting herself from? Was she an abortion provider, like those I know, who have been threatened? Was she a Federal agent? Was she

Would you, as what seems like a reasonable and responsible person, give up your weapons for a country with significantly less gun violence?

If only there had been a good guy with a gun there to shoot that baby.

Yep - in ascending order, it's Day - Month- Year. The rest of the world manages to do it like that but then, the rest of the world has the metric thing going on too. Logic doesn't seem to play a big part.

I was born in Spain and I'm proud of it, but I haaaaaate the sport of bullfighting. And the running of the bulls tradition. I wish they would do away with both. It's so so awful.

My fiance and I are getting married in 5 days in the seychelles islands. No family, no headache, no pathological family members who so hate thir own life that they have such GRAND advice for how we should live ours. NO brothers hanging out wondering what TV station has FOX news so they can blames WHORES who

Still, if you say yes, the person will spend extra preparing your spot. I was raised to only cancel under extreme circumstances, if I'd RSVP'd yes. Part of being an adult is sometimes just sucking it up and going, even if it's not what you personally feel like doing at this very moment.

all the lack of LGBT representation means is that they weren't represented by the main characters, and even then unless the story delves into their sexuality as it does with Harry, you CAN'T know for certain there were none— you can only say we don't have an example from the slim margin of time we interact with

Let Lebron help.

I guess the question is "How can white people be supportive of the issue without seeming to demean or take over the issue? " If white people don't talk talk about what they do in the situation, then the narrative is that white people are ignoring the issue (which so many do). If white people talk about the issue,

Watch and cringe as one of the brothers drops his head into his hands and bemoans, "Oh God, it's mom."

This is the greatest fucking thing I have ever seen.

Don't underestimate the space-time continuum disrupting ability of this much stupidity and ridiculousness compressed into such a small group of people.

If cops cannot deal with criticism or percieved insults how exactly do they handle drug dealers, gangs, domestic violence calls, drive by shooters? They have no business being cops if they can't deal with words. St Louis cops and especially their union went to meltdown mode over 5 football players with their hands up.

I dunno if this is asking too much, but it'd be awesome if you guys included "Using Android or Windows Phone but like the look of this app? Check out these options..." line with posts like these (and vice versa for Android and WP posts).

It may not actually change anything on a large scale, but people should know what they are eating. We should be able to make that choice. Not a lot of people read the ingredients of what they buy in the store, but some do, and we should have that option.

True, but it's also a country with a history of revolutionary movements, worker's movements, and outright anarchist movements. I've just been learning about it lately while doing a bit of genealogy. I didn't know. It's easy to characterize Spain as entirely Catholic and conservative, but it isn't the truth.

Calling a country uncivilized may be a bit problematic. I'm of Spanish descent, so I may be a bit touchy about this. I do agree with everything else you said.