
It isn’t just the medical community that treats the most important part of your person as “just a concussion”. The insurance companies follow the same script. I was once at a stop light in my old truck and some idiot not paying attention just plowed into the back of the truck without even slowing down. I was hit so

Good for you, Patrick, and Jalopnik/Gawker Media.

Good thing Honda doesn’t make anything I’d consider buying, makes boycotting them quite easy!

As a social worker, FUCK THESE GUYS.

Definitely a Lambo. The guy didn’t use a digital gauge and the incorrect tire pressure caused him to lose control.

I don’t get it. That’s totally a Veyron.

Now playing

This. Absolutely totally completely this.

I’m not even a truck guy, and I had a blast at Monster Jam with my girlfriend and her kids. Everything you wrote here is true.

Miley Cyrus says “Fucking is easy. You can find someone to fuck in five seconds. We want to find someone we can talk to. And be ourselves with. That’s fairly slim pickings.”

Made my appt at David’s yesterday! Love the White line and the Zac Posen line toooooo. Thank you for #beliebing and for this LINK!!