
I’m not sure you know how blogging scheduling works.

Honestly I would rather my husband not deal with such a situation. Guns are no guarantee of a painless death, not even shots to the head. Add to that a distressed loved one. If we deal with euthanasia lets make it legal and professional and leave family members out of it

Funny how it is that women manage to care for their sick husbands right up until they die a natural death whereas men seem to find that “too hard” and choose to end if for their ailing wives.

Well.....nothing in the story mentions that she consented to have anyone fucking kill her.  Her husband’s note doesn’t say she consented.  At that time, she apparently wasn’t in any state to consent, and there is absolutely no indication from anyone, including her husband, that she had so much as discussed end of life

What’s especially infuriating is that many of Bernie’s supporters said they would vote for a woman “like Liz Warren” in order to defend themselves against accusations of sexism last election. Now that she’s running against Bernie, she’s suddenly a centrist sellout. 

It is apparently true she could not add her perspective. So what? Her perspective on whether or not she lives or dies is the only one that matters. She was killed, murdered, without her consent. Period. I don’t give a fuck whether a bunch of people who aren’t her are okay with someone else taking her life without her

there is a pretty important person who was impacted by this man’s actions whose opinion would be determinative, but whose perspective is missing here.

And I am in the “I miss Jim Halpert” camp.

Telling women they're whores is being a good guy, and funny? When's your show, can I buy a ticket?

It’s more sad given that black trans women are killed the most, without discretion.

They are not special. They are vulnerable (to violence, to discrimination) and discriminated. When you show no empathy to those in similar or worse circumstances than you because you are oppressed too, and, even more, if you laugh at them, make them the butt of demeaning jokes, you are an asshole. No edgy, just mean.

I have epilepsy, and what happened to this young man is the fear I carry around every day. Have you ever had a seizure? For some sufferers they have a moment’s warning, but for others like myself we have nothing, we simply black out, and hopefully wake up.

I’m not sure how “frenzied” I’m feeling, but any time I see a powerful woman shut down a little sexually harassing former Fox employee weasel of a reporter for attempting the usual right wing paint job it always makes me tingle a bit. The Catholic thing was just a catalyst for delivery so, yeah, you go grrl.

Nah. This reality sucks. This Republican senate tipped its hand to what it thinks about it’s own constitutional responsibility years ago, and they’ve confirmed that stance every month and every week and every day that has passed since.

I know it will never happen, but wouldn’t it be great to see a video Christmas card of a first spouse decorating the house like I decorate the house: drunk, in sweats and unwashed hair, screaming random lyrics/instrumental riffs to songs as they play, crying over ornaments, yelling about how much I love Christmas at

I’d really love it if we could all put Bernie back on the shelf ... there’s a newer model on the market. 

Part of my issue with this is how using terms that are clearly pulled verbatim from therapy sessions just sounds so fucking precious in a way that’s totally, I don’t know, insincere? Unbelievable? Unapproachable to anyone outside of a certain echelon (those who can afford therapy or have the time to read a shit-ton of

Yeah, she just comes off as a narcissistic, overly precious cunt. 

I hate Bernie Sanders. I hate HIM. I hate his poisonous followers and their endless spewing of Russian lies about Hillary. I don’t want her to run just to spite them and I prefer Trump to Bernie because at least his followers admit to their seething misogyny and racism. I have seen Bernie Bros openly share Nazi memes