
I’ll have to try that next time I run out of shower raisin bran.

it’s possible i also just find it hard to believe because she’s focusing so hard on this Hotels.com thing over the fact that she was repeatedly late with the rent... influencers are not a group i’d place a huge amount of trust in either given the actual nature of what they’re there to do, so i’m sure there are

FDR has done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.

Bernie just raised a goddamn fortune from small donors.

My feeling is that Rust Belt voters who voted for Trump because Hillary never came to their town to explain that she was clearly the better choice are dumb.  If she was only in their area for five minutes, 2016 was still already a world in which the internet existed.  What if she had gone there ten times as much as

I wish we would shut the fuck up about white working class voters. They’re a lost cause and hell bent on voting against their own self-interest. We’ve had two Democratic Presidents when two consecutive terms without them, yet we’re obsessed with courting those five living Reagan Democrats. Those people will never vote

Ah yes, Schrodinger's Queer: Gay men aren't real men, but trans women are the manliest men.

Why would anyone respond to sarcasm with a serious question?

Lauding her drive and willingness to do amazing things is great, and I’m sure as hell sad about this, but calling people gutless and sheep because they choose not to take unnecessary risks for an adrenaline thrill is some really pathetic projecting.

Built off Kanye’s outburst”?!? She won the fucking album of the year award! She was wildly successful before, too.

If that were true, that pro-lifers consider the baby to be their primary focus, you’d think they’d go all out for health care for pregnant women and for children. You’d think they’d sponsor adequate maternity leave. You’d think they’d put laws in place so that pregnant women didn’t have to worry about getting fired

LOL. Nice deflection. Take the L and move on, babygirl.

Lindsey Ellis

Binging with Babish, Marques Brownlee, Luxy Hair, Screen Junkies, Extra Credits. Let me know if you need more, sweetheart.

Made me think of the“Scully effect”. Who gives a shit if someone gets inspired to pursue a career because they saw it on TV. Women are constantly being told we’re shit at science and math so seeing a woman (even fictional) exceed at it can be motivating.

I don’t have to. That’s not the point. I don’t follow YouTube stars. I’m, generally speaking, probably not their audience. It’s ok for forms of entertainment that aren’t *for you* to exist.

This is such a lazy, ignorant take. It’s like when people condemn soundcloud rapper or reality stars as a whole. As in any medium, there’s a lot of crap, but there are also a lot of people who produce good, interesting content. Just because you haven’t taken the time to inform yourself on a subject doesn’t mean you

I am a “real” adult and I watch vlogging channels, and I can think of dozens of friends, co-workers and family members who do so as well. There are tons of high quality content creators on YouTube, it’s not just the Paul brothers and beauty guru drama. 

she didn’t say she was, she said she doesn’t think MANY people can understand. And that’s true. 

If Beyonce is pregnant I’m sure we’ll see it celebrated with much fanfare and a tacky tribute to the goddesses of motherhood or whatever the hell that ridiculous spectacle was on the Grammys a few years ago. Funny how she never felt such strong natural tendencies the first time she “gave birth.”