elaine layabout

hehe ... good

good lord, girl! i'm a 34dd and it's nearly impossible to find bras ... cos, evidently, if you are a dd, you must be a 36 or above

evidently, if you tell someone else to sexually assault two women and then stand around with a gun on your hip, so that the victims are "compelled" to comply to their violation, it's no biggie ... unless, of course, you aren't being paid to serve and protect women from, you know, sexual assault

well, i'm tears ... having been the only mega-cup in the room since i was twelve, i often felt so alone ... turns out that in my virtual world i am surrounded by cleavage sisters!

as my fav college prof used to tell me when i'd said something clever: wait there while i run home and get that i writing before you do!

a-men! i was rockin' aunt bea's till i found herroom!

what? are you looking for someplace to park a smartcar?

hahaha! been there, my friend!

it was launched by a vigorous blink, i swear!

we need to listen to our bodies, laura

worth the $130 for the box alone ... but why, oh why, don't i have a magwitch?!

yeah ... our neighbors did not appreciate peacocks yarking all day ... but i gotta say that, despite my being the most raggedy-ass kid in school, they made me feel pretty posh

well, cheerios are just insidious, aren't they?

we had ducks and peafowl when i was little ... but chickens ... in a complicated world, their simplicity is just so soothing ... and then there are the eggs

i want a chicken sooo bad, and i've actually contemplated buying a fertile egg and using my chest as an incubator

hot tip for your hooters, girl: http://www.herroom.com/?brand=HerRoom&kwid=b4836155222a47cc86acafa1aa906288&gclid=CL3OjK-fqLQCFeZDMgod-EUAIQ

i could feed the first midnight showing of the next "hunger games" flick with all the popcorn that i've collected from my cleavage over my years of movie-going!

if i can manage to wedge something in between my double d's, it ain't going nowhere ... and if i misplace something during the day, i never worry too much, because chances are that i'll find it at jammie time

not so much as a mindy kayling coffee mug ... gasp!

the smart money is on the cats?! hah!