elaine layabout

i won't reverse bully by pointing out that krause looks like stephen colbert spoofing guys over 40 who think flashing their guns in dad-sized tank tops while wearing knee pads is cool

in truth, i do like the feminemesis bit ... so much more than the "sex kitten" stereotype that is usually hurled my way

clearly hawkins knows the truth: president obama has been lynching white women and burning prayer rugs on their front lawns ... and if the mainstream media wasn't so liberal-biased, you all would know this, too

okay ... now i'm worried about your short-term memory, too

man, you gotta work on your reading comprehension skills ... i never said that you couldn't post your accusations in response to someone not involved in your conspiracy theory ... i just recommended that you post it directly to the persons you are accusing, in the interest of straightforwardness, not to mention the

if you are going to make such accusations, you might want to do it to directly to the writer/editors ... it would be the gender-neutrally straightforward thing to do

the article states that, if by some miracle two women ever vie for the white house, "clearly their husbands will be invited to go head to head in a grill-off", because the sexism that underlies expecting the wives of powerful men to bake cookies would also identify men with grilling, lest they be emasculated by a

the first lady is on "court-ordered inactive status" because, and only because, prior to 1999, illinois law required active lawyers to petition the court to change their registration status ... and the illinois court has confirmed that no public disciplinary proceeding has ever been brought against either the first

only if you use a cookie gun

hillary clinton was not attacking stay-at-home wives and mothers ... she was defending herself against attacks for remaining in her profession after bill became gov of arkansas ... the quote was proceeded at length by an expression of her frustration and sadness that professional women are expected to defer to their

please, would someone with a soapbox bigger than my desktop — let's say, a writer for gawker media — quote hillary's cookie comment in context?!

i'm hoping for the clever twist ... it would be better than just plain perpetuating a native-american stereotype, regardless of the race of the actor

having noted that only 20% of the alcohol that enters the stomach ends up in the bloodstream, i don't think i have understated the relevance of the upper gi and its hepatic portal system

wow ... all i can think is how glad i am that greg has been able to create this ritual for himself that doesn't involve hurting others or more seriously hurting himself ... and, also, how lucky he is to have found someone who is compassionate and open-minded enough to help him

some drugs are administered rectally because the "first pass" would render them inactive ... other drugs must be taken orally, because the "first pass" activates them

true, the hepatic system's "first pass" through the liver is part of why only 20% of orally consumed alcohol ends up in the bloodstream ... and, yes, the hepatic portal system only covers the esophagus through the top third of the large intestine ... still, once the alcohol in your bloodstream, your liver is going to

despite what the police spokesman said, any alcohol that enters the bloodstream, regardless of how it enters the body, has to be metabolized by your liver

it's not really so hard to determine that gender reassignment could be considered life-saving, given that non-reassigned, transgendered americans attempt suicide at a rate 25x higher than the general population (41% ... but 45% for those 18-45 yrs) ... any other condition with a potential death rate like that would be

there are basically three components to our sexual identities: our biological sex, determined by our genitalia; our sexual orientation, determined by our attraction to others; and our gender, which is usually determined by our psychological identification with a set of characteristics, both socially constructed and

i agree ... you murder someone, and you should lose certain rights and privileges ... but medically necessary treatment isn't one of them ... and, while the $20k price tag does bother me, it's kind of a red herring in a society that locks up shitloads of citizens at tremendous expense and social cost for the