biden asking to borrow someone's motorcycle "because he doesn't get to ride much anymore" just sounds like something euphemistic that a skeezy, married traveling salesman would ask in a hotel bar
biden asking to borrow someone's motorcycle "because he doesn't get to ride much anymore" just sounds like something euphemistic that a skeezy, married traveling salesman would ask in a hotel bar
yeah ... i'm thinking that he doesn't have to borrow someone's bike to get a ride
i don't hate ann romney because her mittens lacks empathy ... i hate ann romney because she kills my empathy ... i mean, i never dreamed that i would hear someone talk about having ms and think "so what, you stupid bitch"
what would really be news worthy is if a right wing politician or celeb actually took responsibility for his/her bigotry ... but no, it's always ”i was taken out of context”, ”i was speaking ironically”, and my fav: ”a leftie made me say it” ... because, if pinko commie radical gay people didn't insist on getting…
after having been fondled in public more times than i can count, thanks to my double-dee rack, blond hair to my ass, big blues eyes, and a ” howdy, y'all” demeanor, i learned to play the bitch, a very loud bitch ... if a man on an empty or near-empty train/street/waiting room made a beeline toward me, i'd snarl ”don't…
someone ought to clue lindsey in that, if she actually paid for stuff, she'd have a lot more deductions ... hell, given that her life is one big publicity stunt, she'd probably get a full refund
color me not surprised that, instead of creating work, school, and social environments that facilitate breast feeding, we are going to just pressure women to breast feed, obstacles be damned!
decades after my childhood rape, news stories like those about jerry sandusky can send me into a tailspin ... it is just so oppressive to know that the vulnerable are still being exploited in this country, while the greedy and powerful turn blind eyes to their abuse ... and i was genuinely hurt by the sometimes…
it breaks my heart to read that you don't see yourself as a "rape victim per se" when your body clearly knows otherwise, giving you "crushing panic attacks"
the really creepy thing is that this is exactly how the gynofascists see women's experience of rape ... it's just another “method of conception” ... we should just "relax and enjoy it" ... and we blithely throw around false accusations of rape to gain access to medical care, get revenge on boyfriends gone bad, and…
uh ... perhaps charlotte dawson has dealt with things more horrible than being bullied by a bunch of 15-year-old losers on twitter ... maybe she does have "something more going on" with her ... does it follow, then, that she deserved to be bullied and have her vulnerability exploited? or is it just that we shouldn't…
"Whoever Romney picks, if she's a woman, would have to first demonstrate how much better than Sarah Palin she actually is, and that's not necessarily a good use of the campaign's time"?!
all the other bone-chilling assumptions aside, the travers-willard hypothesis, upon which kevin "dickhead" williamson relies, isn't a description of pro-male super sperm among the affluent, but of the effect of poverty upon male infant mortality
i agree ... we are arguing about the definition of rape when we need to be arguing for women's right to make their own reproductive choices, rape or no rape ... reproductive fascists like akin merely represent the narrower end of a broad republican push to deprive women of their reproductive liberties
yeah ... i think you're right ... i also think that, in addition to not understanding that most americans don't pal around with nascar owners but do know how many cars they own, romney doesn't have a clue about what is "young" and "hip" and "sexy" ... ditto for paul "rage against the machine" ryan
"And you ARE white. If you weren't, you would've said so by now."
ally? why would i try to ally myself with someone who has irrationally and viciously attacked me for a point of view that i have never expressed or supported and who has told me to shut up, simply because they see me as a white person (without knowing jack about my actual race, btw)? if you called me "ally" i'd be…
yes, multiple someones filmed this, but lottery officials okay'd its use ... wtf, indeed
alas, it's both ... white men prefer romney by 19 points, and white women prefer romney by 8 points
uh ... i think you need to up your meds