well, there is the whole procreating outside the bondage of marriage issue ... but other than that, this father father is practically a saint
well, there is the whole procreating outside the bondage of marriage issue ... but other than that, this father father is practically a saint
and yet our government continues to kowtow to these holy dicks, legislating for us to do as they say, not as they do
if my kid had been at that prom, i'd be suing those two nutjobs, not for money damages, but for court-ordered sterilization, lest they continue to reproduce ... they are not fit to parent anyone over the age of three
he has a hot wife, who's an accomplished professional and the mother of two beautiful, happy daughters ... when find yourself wanting to get with barack, what you really want is to be michelle
i agree ... it's not an ideal way to get tested ... but it's better than people not being tested, whether because they lack access to regular medical care or are afraid of being judged by their regular physician
but the person who finds out at home and is, at least initially, too overwhelmed to seek treatment, will be more likely to use condoms/spermicide, protecting their partners ... and, once they get past their shock and denial, they may very well seek treatment
neutering a male dog isn't just about his sex life ... it's also about his social life, specifically, his relationships with other males ... he may not be aggressive, but a lot of dogs are hostile toward unneutered males ... the day some ballsy pit bull decides to put your boy in his place by ripping his throat out,…
good to know ... sounds like something i'll appreciate, even if it hurts
zooey deschanel as loretta lynn?! she's not even convincing when playing her oh so precious self, how the hell is she going to pull off a down-to-earth, lyric-pistol-packin' mama? please, only over my dead body
this may be a coming of age story ... i haven't seen it ... but this trailer suggests that it is either a male fantasy flick, or it's just being marketed as one ... the r rating, makes me wonder
it'll be like being a boy, but without all the gender identity anxiety
if our state isn't on the list, does it mean that we can use our vaginas with impunity?
you wouldn't have gained many mother points by parenting past your comfort level ... your kid would have felt your unhappiness ... and i'll bet your little apple hasn't fallen far from the tree, so you were comfortable returning to work because your child felt secure without you ... not all kids are, and maybe if…
i don't think it's physically possible to simultaneously breastfeed 3 or 4 children, but 2 children are doable ... your breasts produce milk based upon demand, and the older child doesn't breastfeed exclusively or extensively ... usually just for comfort at nap and bedtime
if your little guy's sleeping issues have corresponded with the school testing, i'd assume he is anxious about it and just needs an extra dose of security to get himself through it ... i'd tell him that he can sleep with you until the tests are over (he'll probably sleep more soundly with permission), and then you'll…
breastfeeding at age 3.3 is well below the global average, and in societies where children are allowed to self-wean, they usually breast feed until 3 or 4 ... so i would say that breastfeeding past the age of articulation is both common and natural
i, too, am baffled by the romney defenses ... have a lot of people been assholes in their youths and gotten over it? sure ... but are they running for president of the most powerful, well-armed nation on the planet? well, mitt romney is ... but personally, i think our leaders should be held to higher characters…
among most primates, offspring are not weaned until they get their first permanent molars ... that would be 5 1/2 to 6 years for humans ... and in societies where children are allowed to self-wean, they usually do so between 3 and 4 years of age
for me, liberated parenting is parenting based upon trusting one's own instincts and knowing one's own child ... my kid, for instance, was very independent but slept most peacefully in a family bed ... she'd lay there straight as a mummy, all night, with nary a twitch ... but shortly before her 3rd birthday, we went…
ah, well, i've always been creeped out by weddings ... whenever forced to attend such an event as a little girl, i used to make my mother swear that i wouldn't have to have one myself ... i think it was the formulaic, composed photo ops that turned me off ... those and the painfully perfect bride do's