Can I give you more stars? Maybe Dr. HamNo can whine about Republicans, Union Membership, or wages some more? Let’s declare everything terrible because my ideology isn’t in power!!!
Can I give you more stars? Maybe Dr. HamNo can whine about Republicans, Union Membership, or wages some more? Let’s declare everything terrible because my ideology isn’t in power!!!
“If anyone can get me a job as a Wall Street strategist please let me know.”
Is it just me or does Trump’s wording sound like a Nigerian scam email?
At first I thought watching a game backward didn’t make a lot of sense. Then I realized it’s just another perspective. And from that perspective every game ends in a tie. And then I thought, why not draft another power forward?
I’ll second taking the classes, and tango in particular. Something about that dance is just so damn sexy that it makes even an average looking guy like me seem much more desirable.
You should ABSOLUTELY take ballroom dancing classes, girls love that! I took tango in college I met so many gorgeous and interesting women and had a lot of great dating experiences. Plus, even when the classes were over, I was able to use my new moves to impress other gals. Plus it’s fun! Dancing is cool.
On my first day of graduate school six years ago I took an oath. On my first day of VA orientation two months ago I took a similar oath.
Is two months at the VA really a life’s work? I’ve interned at places longer.
While I agree with you on the angst and feeling of moral disgust that a Trump Presidency is going to cause, unless his administration starts dictating the terms by which you can treat your patients, I’m not sure how this isn’t just abandoning those you’ve made it your life’s work to help? Wouldn’t you want to at…
honest question:
C’mon. If Fisher was really trying to embarrass Robinson in front of his family, he would have made him go out on the field with the rest of the Rams starters.
And a big Fuck you back dude.
Also affecting his play...being Brock Osweiler
Wonder if this story plays into MacMahon having his press pass revoked at Mavs games...
Yes, but you can’t write 1300 word hot takes with logic and reason, grasshopper.
Get rid of rent control. That’s literally all you have to do. The reason prices are high on all new housing is because for decades prices were kept artificially low, landlords were then unable to build more housing, which created a supply problem. This is literally simple supply and demand. If you get rid of rent…